purely analytical

purely analytical
мат. чисто аналитический

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "purely analytical" в других словарях:

  • Analytical Marxism — refers to a particular Marxist approach that was prominent amongst English speaking philosophers and social scientists during the 1980s. It was mainly associated with the September Group of academics, so called because of their biennial September …   Wikipedia

  • Complex argument (continued fraction) — In analysis, the complex argument theta; = arg( z ) is commonly defined as an angle, often in terms of the inverse tangent function, or the inverse cosine. In a purely formal and perfectly rigorous treatment of the complex numbers, such reliance… …   Wikipedia

  • Austin, John — born March 3, 1790, Creeting Mill, Suffolk, Eng. died Dec. 1859, Weybridge, Surrey British jurist. Although initially unsuccessful in his law practice (1818–25), his analytical mind and intellectual honesty impressed colleagues, and he was named… …   Universalium

  • logical — logical, analytical, subtle are comparable when they are applied to persons, their minds, their mental habits, or products of their reasoning and mean having or showing skill in thinking or reasoning. They are often used interchangeably or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Central Intelligence Agency — CIA redirects here. For other uses, see CIA (disambiguation). Central Intelligence Agency Official Seal of the CIA Agency overview Formed September 18, 1947 …   Wikipedia

  • Public goods game — The Public goods game is a standard of experimental economics; in the basic game subjects secretly choose how many of their private tokens to put into the public pot. Each subject keeps the tokens they do not contribute plus an even split of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Louis Poinsot — (1777 1859) was a French mathematician and physicist. Poinsot was the inventor of geometrical mechanics, showing how a system of forces acting on a rigid body could be resolved into a single force and a couple.Life: Everyone makes for himself a… …   Wikipedia

  • Systems architect — In systems engineering, the systems architect is the high level designer of a system to be implemented.They establish the basic structure of the system, defining the core design features that are hard to change later. They provide the vision for… …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware architect — (In the automation and engineering environments, the hardware engineer or architect encompasses the electronic engineering and electrical engineering fields, with subspecialities in analog, digital, or electromechanical systems.)The hardware… …   Wikipedia

  • Baum–Connes conjecture — In mathematics, specifically in operator K theory, the Baum ndash;Connes conjecture suggests a link between the C* algebra of a group and the K homology of the corresponding classifying space of proper actions of that group.It thus sets up a… …   Wikipedia

  • Metaphysics and science in the thirteenth century: William of Auvergne, Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon — Steven Marrone By the third decade of the thirteenth century there emerge the first signs of a new metaphysics. Alongside Neoplatonizing idealism we now see attempts to lay greater emphasis on the ontological density of the created world and to… …   History of philosophy

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