purchase in bulk
Смотреть что такое "purchase in bulk" в других словарях:
bulk buying — noun 1. Large scale purchase of a commodity, esp on preferential terms and by a single buyer, sometimes on behalf of a body of consumers 2. Guaranteed purchase by one country of all or most of another s output of a commodity • • • Main Entry:… … Useful english dictionary
Bulk confectionery — is a method of commercially dispensing multiple small units of confectionery, either in manufactured bags with a fixed number of units per container, or by the amount of mass placed in a bag. The former is typically used in vending machines,… … Wikipedia
purchase — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 buying sth ADJECTIVE ▪ cash ▪ credit ▪ online ▪ Make sure all online purchases are made through a secure server. ▪ bulk … Collocations dictionary
Bulk sale — For food sold by weight in stores, see bulk bins. A bulk sale, sometimes called a bulk transfer, is a sale of goods by a business that represents all or substantially all of its inventory to a single buyer unless such a sale would be common in… … Wikipedia
bulk — n. & v. n. 1 a size; magnitude (esp. large). b a large mass, body, or person. c a large quantity. 2 a large shape, body, or person (jacket barely covered his bulk). 3 (usu. prec. by the; treated as pl.) the greater part or number (the bulk of the … Useful english dictionary
Bulk power transactions — The wholesale sale, purchase, and interchange of electricity among electric utilities. Bulk power transactions are used by electric utilities for many different aspects of electric utility operations, from maintaining load to reducing costs.… … Energy terms
bulk buying — noun the purchase of goods in large amounts, typically at a discount. Derivatives bulk buy verb … English new terms dictionary
bulk buy — /ˈbʌlk baɪ/ (say bulk buy) noun a purchase of a commodity in large quantities …
communal purchase — n. The purchase of a large quantity of a single item by aggregating individual buyers. Example Citation: Here s how the new world of communal purchasing works: You place an order for a Palm V, say, and give Accompany 72 hours to assemble a group… … New words
bulk purchase — /bʌlk pɜ:tʃɪs/ noun an act of buying a large quantity of goods at low prices … Dictionary of banking and finance
Group buying — Group buying, also known as collective buying, offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase. Origins of group buying can be traced to China[citation needed]… … Wikipedia