Puppetry — is a form of theatre or performance which involves the manipulation of puppets. It is very ancient, and is believed to have originated 30,000 years BC. [ Puppetry and Puppets/Eileen Blumenthal/Thames Hudson/2005/ISBN 13 978 0 500 51226 5]… … Wikipedia
Puppetry — Pup pet*ry, n. Action or appearance resembling that of a puppet, or puppet show; hence, mere form or show; affectation. [1913 Webster] Puppetry of the English laws of divorce. Chambers. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
puppetry — [pup′ə trē] n. the art of making or operating puppets or producing puppet shows … English World dictionary
puppetry — /pup i tree/, n., pl. puppetries. 1. the art of making puppets or presenting puppet shows. 2. the action of puppets. 3. mummery; mere show. 4. puppets collectively. [1520 30; see PUPPET, RY] * * * Art of creating and manipulating puppets in a… … Universalium
puppetry — puppet ► NOUN 1) a movable model of a person or animal, moved either by strings or by a hand inside it, used to entertain. 2) a person under the control of another. DERIVATIVES puppeteer noun puppetry noun. ORIGIN later form of POPPET(Cf. ↑poppet … English terms dictionary
Puppetry of the Penis — is a performance show. The show was initially conceived by Australian Simon Morley as the title of an art calendar, showcasing 12 of his favourite penis installations (known as Dick Tricks). On New Year s Eve in 1997 he had a garage full of… … Wikipedia
Puppetry of the Penis — or the Ancient Art of Genital Origami (übersetzt etwa „Penis Puppenspiel oder die uralte Kunst des Genitalorigami“) ist eine australische Bühnenperformance, bei der die Darsteller mittels ihres Penis, ihrer Hoden sowie der Vorhaut verschiedene… … Deutsch Wikipedia
puppetry — noun (plural ries) Date: 1528 1. the production or creation of puppets or puppet shows 2. the art of manipulating puppets … New Collegiate Dictionary
puppetry — noun a) The art of making, and performing with puppets b) The action of a puppet, or a stilted or puppet like dramatic performance … Wiktionary
Puppetry — Puppets, inanimate figures manipulated by a puppeteer, have been seen by audiences since the beginning of American theatre. Whether hand puppets or marionettes (puppets manipulated by strings), these iconic human symbols date to the beginning… … The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater
puppetry — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. exhibition, mummery, play; see act 2 , performance 2 , show 1 … English dictionary for students