Смотреть что такое "punctated" в других словарях:
Punctated — Punc ta*ted, Punctated Punc ta*ted, a. [From L. punctum point. See {Point} .] 1. Pointed; ending in a point or points. [1913 Webster] 2. (Nat. Hist.) Dotted with small spots of color, or with minute depressions or pits. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Punctated — Punc ta*ted, Punctated Punc ta*ted, a. [From L. punctum point. See {Point} .] 1. Pointed; ending in a point or points. [1913 Webster] 2. (Nat. Hist.) Dotted with small spots of color, or with minute depressions or pits. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
punctated — punc·tat·ed … English syllables
punctated — ād.ə̇d adjective Etymology: punctate + ed : punctate … Useful english dictionary
Variegation — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Variegation >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 variegation variegation Sgm: N 1 colors colors dichroism trichroism Sgm: N 1 iridescence iridescence play of colors polychrome maculation spottiness striae … English dictionary for students
Parkin Archeological State Park — Infobox nrhp | name =Parkin Indian Mound nrhp type = nhl caption = |Main mound and it s interpretative sign at the Parkin Site. nearest city= 60 Highway 184 North, Parkin, Arkansas locmapin = Arkansas area = architect= architecture= designated=… … Wikipedia
Pisgah Phase — (A.D. 1000 1500) having a 14,000 square miles region in the South Appalachian Geologic province. On the rim of the region during the earlier phase, the sites were occupied for rather short periods with the interior of the region having sites… … Wikipedia
Baytown culture — ###@@@KEYEND@@@###The Baytown culture was a Pre Columbian Native American culture that existed from 300 BC to 700 CE, in a time known as the late Woodland Period, in the lower Mississippi River Valley, consisting of sites in eastern Arkansas,… … Wikipedia
punctate — /pungk tayt/, adj. marked with points or dots; having minute spots or depressions. Also, punctated. [1750 60; < NL punctatus dotted, equiv. to L punct(um) POINT, dot + atus ATE1] * * * … Universalium
Medora Site — 16WBR1 Diagram of the Medora Site … Wikipedia
Oospira smithi — Three views of the shell of the holotype of Oospira smithi Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia