punch deck
Смотреть что такое "punch deck" в других словарях:
punch deck — vb to type on a computer keyboard. This item of net head slang was employed in interviews, perhaps partly ironically, by the cyberpunk author, William Gibson, in 1995 … Contemporary slang
Deck — (d[e^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decked} (d[e^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Decking}.] [D. dekken to cover; akin to E. thatch. See {Thatch}.] 1. To cover; to overspread. [1913 Webster] To deck with clouds the uncolored sky. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deck — ► NOUN 1) a floor of a ship, especially the upper level. 2) a floor or platform, as in a bus or car park. 3) chiefly N. Amer. a pack of cards. 4) a component in sound reproduction equipment, incorporating a player or recorder for discs or tapes.… … English terms dictionary
deck — Synonyms and related words: accouter, ace, adorn, apparel, appoint, array, attire, bag, bale, band, bang, bash, bat, beautify, bed, bedding, bedeck, bedizen, bedrape, belt, best bower, biff, bindle, blazon, blow down, blow over, boat deck, bolt,… … Moby Thesaurus
deck — I. noun Etymology: Middle English dekke covering of a ship, from Middle Dutch *dec covering, probably from Middle Low German vordeck, from vordecken to cover, from vor for + decken to cover; akin to Old High German decchen to cover more at thatch … New Collegiate Dictionary
deck — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. floor, platform, flooring; quarterdeck, forecastle, fo c sle; after, boat, flight, etc. deck; pack [of cards]. v. t. deck out, bedeck, ornament, array, adorn, decorate; slang, knock down (see impulse) … English dictionary for students
deck — 1. noun a) Any flat surface that can be walked on: a balcony; a porch; a raised patio; a flat rooftop. Arr, maties! Swab the deck! b) A pack or set of playing cards. 2. verb … Wiktionary
deck — noun 1》 a floor of a ship, especially the upper, open level. ↘a floor or platform, as in a bus or car park. ↘(the deck) informal the ground or floor: there was a big thud when I hit the deck. 2》 a component or unit in sound reproduction… … English new terms dictionary
punch — Synonyms and related words: Mickey, Mickey Finn, aggressiveness, amperage, aperitif, armipotence, assault, auger, authority, awl, bang, bash, bat, bear, bear upon, bearing, beating, beef, belt, biff, bite, bitingness, black power, blaze, blaze a… … Moby Thesaurus
deck — dek n. floor of a ship; full set of playing cards; open porch like area attached to a house or building that is often made from wooden slats v. clothe, array; decorate; hit, punch … English contemporary dictionary
Key punch — A key punch is a device for entering data into punched cards by precisely punching holes at locations designated by the keys struck by the operator. Early keypunches were manual devices. Later keypunches were mechanized, often resembled a small… … Wikipedia