pump into

pump into

1) нагнетать, накачивать (воздух или жидкость) во что-л.
2) вкладывать, "вливать" (деньги, капитал) куда-л. The government has pumped a lot of money into the production of these fast new planes. ≈ Государство вложило много денег в строительство этих быстрых самолетов.
3) вдалбливать (что-л. кому-л.) , "накачивать" (кого-л.) Education is not a matter of pumping facts into the children's heads. ≈ Образование - это не вдалбливание фактов в головы детям.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pump into" в других словарях:

  • pump into — ˈpump into ˌpump ˈin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they pump into he/she/it pumps into present participle pumping into …   Useful english dictionary

  • pump into — phrasal verb pump into or pump in [transitive] Word forms pump into : present tense I/you/we/they pump into he/she/it pumps into present participle pumping into past tense pumped into past participle pumped into pump something into something to… …   English dictionary

  • pump into — phr verb Pump into is used with these nouns as the object: ↑money …   Collocations dictionary

  • pump into — force in with a pump; penetrate …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pump in — ˈpump into ˌpump ˈin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they pump into he/she/it pumps into present participle …   Useful english dictionary

  • pump — pump1 S3 [pʌmp] n [Sense: 1, 3; Date: 1400 1500; : Middle Low German; Origin: pumpe or Middle Dutch pompe, probably from Spanish bomba] [Sense: 2; Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Origin unknown] 1.) a machine for forcing liquid or gas into or out of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pump — pump1 [ pʌmp ] noun count ** 1. ) a piece of equipment for making a liquid or gas move into or out of something: an air/a fuel pump a hand/foot pump (=one that you work with your hand or foot) 2. ) usually plural a plain woman s shoe that has a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pump — I n. 1) to prime; work a pump 2) a gasoline (AE), petrol (BE) pump 3) a centrifugal; heat; stomach; suction; sump pump II v. 1) (d; tr.) to pump into (to pump investments into a company; to pump water into a tank) 2) (D; tr.) to pump out of (to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pump — I UK [pʌmp] / US noun [countable] Word forms pump : singular pump plural pumps ** 1) a piece of equipment for making a liquid or gas move into or out of something an air/a fuel pump a hand/foot pump (= operated with your hand or foot) 2) [usually …   English dictionary

  • pump in — phrasal verb pump into or pump in [transitive] Word forms pump into : present tense I/you/we/they pump into he/she/it pumps into present participle pumping into past tense pumped into past participle pumped into pump something into something to… …   English dictionary

  • pump — pump1 [pump] n. [ME pumpe < MDu pompe < Sp bomba, prob. of echoic orig.] 1. any of various machines that force a liquid or gas into or through, or draw it out of, something, as by suction or pressure 2. Informal the heart vt. 1. to raise or …   English World dictionary

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