Смотреть что такое "pumicite" в других словарях:
pumicite — ⇒PUMICITE, subst. fém. GÉOL., MINÉRAL. Sorte de lave appelée vulgairement pierre ponce. Et ses porches! continua Durtal celui de la façade Royale est le moins versatile; il se conserve, d un brun de cannelle, jusqu à mi corps, d un gris de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
pumicite — ou pumite (pu mi si t ou pu mi t ) s. f. Nom scientifique de l espèce de lave dite vulgairement pierre ponce. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. pumex, pierre ponce … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
pumicite — noun Date: 1916 pumice … New Collegiate Dictionary
pumicite — pum·i·cite … English syllables
pumicite — ˈpəməˌsīt noun ( s) Etymology: pumice + ite 1. : pumice 1 2. : a volcanic dust that is similar in composition to pumice and used for abrasive purposes … Useful english dictionary
pumite — pumicite [pymisit] ou pumite [pymit] n. f. ÉTYM. 1846; dér. sav. du lat. pumex, pumicis « pierre ponce ». ❖ ♦ Didact. (Minér.). Pierre ponce … Encyclopédie Universelle
pumite — pumicite ou pumite (pu mi si t ou pu mi t ) s. f. Nom scientifique de l espèce de lave dite vulgairement pierre ponce. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. pumex, pierre ponce … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
List of minerals — This is a List of minerals for which there are Wikipedia articles. Mineral variety names and mineraloids are to be listed after the valid minerals for each letter.For a complete listing (about 4,000) of all mineral names: List of minerals… … Wikipedia
List of chemistry topics — This page aims to list articles related to chemistry. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related Changes in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page.This list is not necessarily… … Wikipedia
Pumice — is a textural term for a volcanic rock that is a solidified frothy lava composed of highly microvesicular glass pyroclastic with very thin, translucent bubble walls of extrusive igneous rock. It is commonly, but not exclusively of silicic or… … Wikipedia
American Samoa — the part of Samoa belonging to the U.S., comprising mainly Tutuila and the Manua Islands. 61,819; 76 sq. mi. (197 sq. km). Cap.: Pago Pago. Abbr.: AS (for use with zip code). Cf. Samoa, Western Samoa. * * * American Samoa Introduction American… … Universalium