- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- система представления единицы и нуля (соответственно) наличием или отсутствием импульса
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pulse system — impulsinė sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. impulse system; pulse system vok. Impulssystem, n rus. импульсная система, f pranc. système impulsionnel, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
PULSE (P2PTV) — PULSE is a P2PTV application developed by the European FP7 NAPA WINE research consortium.PULSE stands for Peer to Peer Unstructured Live Streaming Experiment and is a peer to peer live streaming system designed to operate in scenarios where the… … Wikipedia
Pulse 87 — Type Audio broadcast television network (2008 09) Internet radio station (2010 present) Country … Wikipedia
Pulse — Pulse, n. [OE. pous, OF. pous, F. pouls, fr. L. pulsus (sc. venarum), the beating of the pulse, the pulse, from pellere, pulsum, to beat, strike; cf. Gr. ? to swing, shake, ? to shake. Cf. {Appeal}, {Compel}, {Impel}, {Push}.] 1. (Physiol.) The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pulse glass — Pulse Pulse, n. [OE. pous, OF. pous, F. pouls, fr. L. pulsus (sc. venarum), the beating of the pulse, the pulse, from pellere, pulsum, to beat, strike; cf. Gr. ? to swing, shake, ? to shake. Cf. {Appeal}, {Compel}, {Impel}, {Push}.] 1. (Physiol.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pulse wave — Pulse Pulse, n. [OE. pous, OF. pous, F. pouls, fr. L. pulsus (sc. venarum), the beating of the pulse, the pulse, from pellere, pulsum, to beat, strike; cf. Gr. ? to swing, shake, ? to shake. Cf. {Appeal}, {Compel}, {Impel}, {Push}.] 1. (Physiol.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pulse oximetry — Pulse oximeter Pulse oximetry is a non invasive method allowing the monitoring of the oxygenation of a patient s hemoglobin. A sensor is placed on a thin part of the patient s body, usually a fingertip or earlobe, or in the case of an infant,… … Wikipedia
Pulse-width modulation — (PWM) of a signal or power source involves the modulation of its duty cycle, to either convey information over a communications channel or control the amount of power sent to a load. PrinciplePulse width modulation uses a square wave whose pulse… … Wikipedia
Pulse-Doppler radar — Pulse Doppler is a radar system capable of not only detecting target location (bearing, range, and altitude), but also measuring its radial velocity (range rate). It uses the Doppler effect to determine the relative velocity of objects; pulses of … Wikipedia
Pulse Asia — Pulse Asia, Inc. is a public opinion polling body in the Philippines. It was launched by professional academics recognized as experts in their respective fields of study. It monitors salient socio economic, political and cultural issues in the… … Wikipedia
Pulse repetition frequency — (PRF) is the number of pulses transmitted per second by a radar. The reciprocal of this is called the Pulse Repetition Time (PRT), Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI), or Inter Pulse Period (IPP), which is the elapsed time from the beginning of one… … Wikipedia