pulse decay
Смотреть что такое "pulse decay" в других словарях:
pulse decay time — impulso kritimo trukmė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. pulse decay time; pulse trailing edge time vok. Impulsabfallzeit, f; Impulsabklingzeit, f; Impulshinterflankendauer, f rus. время спада импульса, n; длительность спада импульса,… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
pulse decay rate — impulso kritimo sparta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. pulse decay rate vok. Impulshinterflankensteilkeit, f rus. крутизна среза импульса, f pranc. pente de décroissance, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
pulse trailing-edge time — impulso kritimo trukmė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. pulse decay time; pulse trailing edge time vok. Impulsabfallzeit, f; Impulsabklingzeit, f; Impulshinterflankendauer, f rus. время спада импульса, n; длительность спада импульса,… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Pulse-amplitude modulation — Principle of PAM: (1) original signal, (2) PAM signal, (a) amplitude of signal, (b) time Pulse amplitude modulation, acronym PAM, is a form of signal modulation where the message information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal… … Wikipedia
pulse duration — The nominal duration of a standard pulse, which is the time interval between the half amplitude points on the rise and the decay points of the curve. It is the measurement of the pulse transmission time in microseconds (i.e., the time the radar’s … Aviation dictionary
Pulse sequence — In Fourier Transform NMR spectroscopy and imaging, a pulse sequence describes a series of radio frequency pulses applied to the sample, such that a free induction decay is induced whose signal can be recorded in the time domain. After applying a… … Wikipedia
pulse length — The nominal duration of a standard pulse, which is the time interval between the half amplitude points on the rise and the decay points of the curve. For the pulses of other shapes, the points on the curve must be stated. Also known as a pulse… … Aviation dictionary
pulse width — The nominal duration of a standard pulse, which is the time interval between the half amplitude points on the rise and the decay points of the curve. For the pulses of other shapes, the points on the curve must be stated. Also known as a pulse… … Aviation dictionary
decay — 1. Destruction of an organic substance by slow combustion or gradual oxidation. 2. SYN: putrefaction. 3. To deteriorate; to undergo slow combustion or putrefaction. 4. In dentistry, caries. 5. In psychology, loss of informat … Medical dictionary
Free induction decay — In Fourier Transform NMR, a free induction decay (FID) is the observable NMR signal generated by non equilibrium nuclear spin magnetisation precessing about the magnetic field (conventionally along z).This non equilibrium magnetisation is… … Wikipedia
free induction decay — n a time based electrical signal that is detected in a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, that is produced by induction from the motion of the magnetic moments of nuclei, that decays with time, that can be converted to a more conventional… … Medical dictionary