pulse bus
Смотреть что такое "pulse bus" в других словарях:
Pulse-width modulation — (PWM) of a signal or power source involves the modulation of its duty cycle, to either convey information over a communications channel or control the amount of power sent to a load. PrinciplePulse width modulation uses a square wave whose pulse… … Wikipedia
pulse — impulsinis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Telefoninio ryšio aprašymo parinktis, kuri nurodo, kad į stotį bus siunčiami ↑impulsiniai signalai. Parenkama pagal tai, kokį signalą gali priimti abonentą aptarnaujanti telefono stotis.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Universal powerline bus — (or UPB) is an industry emerging standard for communication among devices used for home automation. It uses power line wiring for signaling and control. UPB was developed by PCS Powerline Systems of Northridge, California and released in 1999.… … Wikipedia
Eindraht-Bus — 1 Wire bzw. One Wire oder Eindraht Bus beschreibt eine serielle Schnittstelle, die mit einer Datenader auskommt, die sowohl als Stromversorgung als auch als Sende und Empfangsleitung genutzt wird. Integrierte Bausteine zur Temperaturmessung,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
импульсная шина — — [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN pulse bus … Справочник технического переводчика
1-Wire — An iButton in a plastic fob, as used for Istanbul Akbil smart ticket 1 Wire is a device communications bus system designed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp. that provides low speed data, signaling, and power over a single signal.[1] 1 Wire is similar … Wikipedia
Apollo Guidance Computer — and DSKY Invented by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory Manufacturer Raytheon Introduced August 1966 … Wikipedia
Reflected-wave switching — is a signalling technique used in backplane computer buses such as PCI. A backplane computer bus is a type of multilayer printed circuit board that has at least one (almost) solid layer of copper called the ground plane, and at least one layer of … Wikipedia
Buchla 200e — The Buchla 200e is a modular analog synthesizer designed by electronic music pioneer Don Buchla and built by Buchla and Associates. Modules 200e synthesizer platform includes several modules that roughly correspond to the canonical analog… … Wikipedia
All Nighter — The All Nighter is a night bus network of service in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, which shadows the rapid transit and commuter rail services of the BART System (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and Caltrain, the major rail services between San… … Wikipedia
AVN Awards — Cérémonie des AVN Awards 2007 Prix remis AVN Award Description Récompense l excellence dans le cinéma pornographique … Wikipédia en Français