- pulmotor
- аппарат искусственной вентиляции легких
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pulmotor — pulmotór s. n., pl. pulmotoáre Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic PULMOTÓR s. n. aparat care insuflă aer şi oxigen în plămâni, pentru respiraţie artificială. (< germ. Pulmotor, engl. pulmotor) Trimis de raduborza,… … Dicționar Român
Pulmotor — Pul mo tor, n. [L. pulmo lung + E. motor.] An apparatus for producing artificial respiration by pumping oxygen or air or a mixture of the two into and out of the lungs, as of a person who has been asphyxiated by drowning, breathing poisonous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pulmotor — Pulmotor, s. Atmungsapparate, S. 28 … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
pulmotor — ☆ pulmotor [pool′mōt΄ər, pul′mōt΄ər ] n. [< L pulmo, lung (see PULMONARY) + MOTOR] an apparatus used in applying artificial respiration by forcing oxygen into the lungs … English World dictionary
pulmotor — noun Etymology: from Pulmotor, a trademark Date: 1911 a respiratory apparatus for pumping oxygen or air into and out of the lungs (as of an asphyxiated person) … New Collegiate Dictionary
pulmotor — ˈpu̇lˌmōd.ə(r), ˈpəl , ōtə noun Etymology: from Pulmotor, a trademark : a respiratory apparatus for pumping oxygen or air or a mixture of the two into and out of the lungs … Useful english dictionary
Pulmotor — /pul moh teuhr, pool /, Trademark. a mechanical device for artificial respiration that forces oxygen into the lungs when respiration has ceased because of asphyxiation, drowning, etc. * * * … Universalium
pulmotor — pul·mo·tor pu̇l .mōt ər, pəl n a respiratory apparatus for pumping oxygen or air into and out of the lungs (as of an asphyxiated person) … Medical dictionary
Pulmotor — Pulmo̱tor [Kurzbildung zu ↑Pulmo u. lat. movere, motum = bewegen] m; s, ...o̱ren: automatisch arbeitender Apparat zur künstlichen Beatmung … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Pulmotor — n. device used for artificial respiration, ventilator, respirator (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
pulmotor — pul·mo·tor … English syllables