Смотреть что такое "pulleys" в других словарях:
Pulleys — Pulley Pul ley, n.; pl. {Pulleys}. [F. poulie, perhaps of Teutonic origin (cf. {Poll}, v. t.); but cf. OE. poleine, polive, pulley, LL. polanus, and F. poulain, properly, a colt, fr. L. pullus young animal, foal (cf. {Pullet}, {Foal}). For the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pulleys, general — 4.1 Pulleys, general Poulies, generalites Шкивы, общая часть Источник: ГОСТ 28500 90: Передачи ременные синхронные. Термины и определения оригинал документа … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
pulleys — pul·ley || pÊŠlɪ n. wheel with a grooved rim around which a rope or cord is wrapped (when one end of the rope is pulled downward, the wheel spins and raises the opposite end) … English contemporary dictionary
Pulleys Mill, Illinois — Pulley s Mill is an unincorporated area in south central Illinois. It is generally located north of Goreville, near the intersection of Interstate 24 and Interstate 57.The area was named after Barton S. Pulley, and had a post office from October… … Wikipedia
Underdrive pulleys — An Underdrive pulley refers to an aftermarket crankshaft or accessory pulley (such as an alternator pulley) that is designed to drive a vehicle s accessories at a slower rate than stock. Underdrive from the crankshaft pulley means the pulley is… … Wikipedia
Fast and loose pulleys — Fast Fast, a. [Compar. {Faster}; superl. {Fastest}.] [OE., firm, strong, not loose, AS. f[ae]st; akin to OS. fast, D. vast, OHG. fasti, festi, G. fest, Icel. fastr, Sw. & Dan. fast, and perh. to E. fetter. The sense swift comes from the idea of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Physical Gears and Pulleys — The physics of gears and pulleys with a specificity of class B levers in terms ofmechanical advantage. A drive force is applied to the angular axle on the left and istransferred to the axles to the right. In figure 1 the distance travelled over a … Wikipedia
Definitions relating to synchronous pulleys — 4 Definitions relating to synchronous pulleys Definitions concernant les poulies synchrones Определения, относящиеся к синхронным шкивам Источник: ГОСТ 28500 90: Передачи ременные синхронные. Термины и определения … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
derailleur pulleys — One of two guide wheels of the rear derailleur which directs the path of the chain … Dictionary of automotive terms
Belt (mechanical) — For other belts, see Belt (disambiguation). A pair of vee belts … Wikipedia
Pulley — For the band, see Pulley (band). For the village, see Pulley, Shropshire. For the American photographer, see Gerald P. Pulley. Pulley Pulleys on a ship. In this context, pulleys are usually known as blocks. Classification … Wikipedia