pull chain
Смотреть что такое "pull chain" в других словарях:
pull chain — noun a chain (usually with a handle at the end) that is pulled in order to operate some mechanism (e.g. to flush a toilet) • Hypernyms: ↑chain, ↑pull • Part Holonyms: ↑flush toilet, ↑lavatory … Useful english dictionary
Chain shift — In phonology, a chain shift is a phenomenon in which several sounds move stepwise along a phonetic scale. The sounds involved in a chain shift can be ordered into a chain in such a way that, after the change is complete, each phoneme ends up… … Wikipedia
Chain migration — has multiple meanings. It refers to the social process by which immigrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular city or neighborhood, whether in an immigrant receiving country or in a new, usually urban, location in … Wikipedia
pull (someone's) chain — pull/yank (someone s) chain American & Australian, informal to say or do something that upsets another person, especially because you enjoy upsetting them. Boy, she really knows how to pull your chain! … New idioms dictionary
pull/yank someone's chain — US informal : to deceive someone in a friendly or playful way I thought he really won the lottery but he was only pulling my chain. [=he was only playing a joke on me] • • • Main Entry: ↑chain … Useful english dictionary
Chain pulling — is the act of pulling a cord that activates the train s emergency brakes to stop a train, whether for a genuine emergency or (often) illegally for someone to get on or off the train on the Indian Railway network. [cite… … Wikipedia
pull — vb Pull, draw, drag, haul, hale, tug, tow mean to cause to move in the direction determined by the person or thing that exerts force. Pull, the general term, is often accompanied by an adverb or adverbial phrase to indicate the direction {two… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
chain — [chān] n. [ME & OFr chaine < L catena < IE base * kat , to twist, twine > prob. OE heathor, confinement] 1. a flexible series of joined links, usually of metal, used to pull, confine, etc. or to transmit power 2. TIRE CHAIN 3. [pl.] a)… … English World dictionary
pull your chain — (USA) If someone pulls your chain, they take advantage of you in an unfair way or do something to annoy you … The small dictionary of idiomes
pull the chain — Brit : to flush a toilet • • • Main Entry: ↑chain … Useful english dictionary
Pull and Bear — is a Spanish chain of fashion stores introduced in 1991 by Inditex Group. It first operated in Portugal in 1992, and then the next countries to open up branches were Greece and Malta.New product lines introduced in stores have diversified the… … Wikipedia