pull back

pull back

1) отдергивать, оттаскивать, оттягивать
2) отступать;
отводить (войска) The crowd pulled back to let the firemen through. ≈ Толпа отхлынула, чтобы пропустить пожарных.
3) сократить расходы
4) муз. замедлять темп When you sing this song, try not to pull back as it makes it dull. ≈ Когда поешь эту песню, пой побыстрее, а то становится скучно.
5) мор. табанить
6) помочь кому-л. вернуть, восстановить (здоровье, силы и т. п.) The doctors are doing all that they can to pull Mother back to health. ≈ Доктора делают все возможное, чтобы поставить маму на ноги. Syn : bring back
3) задерживать, удерживать - he caught cold on the way home, which pulled him back considerably он простудился по пути домой, что сильно задержало его отступать - he pulled back in time он вовремя отступил датировать более ранним числом (морское) табанить

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pull back" в других словарях:

  • pull back — ► pull back 1) retreat or withdraw. 2) improve or restore a team s position in a sporting contest. Main Entry: ↑pull …   English terms dictionary

  • pull back — (from (something)) to change to a less extreme way of thinking. The hijackers then pulled back from threats to blow up the ship and its 200 passengers …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull back — index retreat, withdraw Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • pull|back — «PUL BAK», noun. 1. a withdrawal: »Washington hopes that the Kremlin may conceive it to be in its own interest to make further pullbacks (Atlantic). 2. = retrenchment. (Cf. ↑retrenchment) …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull back — verb 1. pull back or move away or backward (Freq. 1) The enemy withdrew The limo pulled away from the curb • Syn: ↑withdraw, ↑retreat, ↑pull away, ↑draw back, ↑recede, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull back — UK US pull back Phrasal Verb with pull({{}}/pʊl/ verb [T] ► to decide not to continue doing something because of increasing costs or problems: »We were ready to go ahead with the project but had to pull back at the last minute. pull back from sth …   Financial and business terms

  • pull back — phrasal verb Word forms pull back : present tense I/you/we/they pull back he/she/it pulls back present participle pulling back past tense pulled back past participle pulled back 1) [intransitive/transitive] if soldiers pull back, or if someone… …   English dictionary

  • pull back — 1) PHRASAL VERB If someone pulls back from an action, they decide not to do it or continue with it, because it could have bad consequences. [V P from n] They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation... [V P] The British government… …   English dictionary

  • pull back — v. (D; intr.) to pull back from (to pull back from the others) * * * [ pʊl bæk] (D; intr.) to pull back from (to pull back from the others) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pull back — the troops were ordered to pull back Syn: withdraw, retreat, fall back, back off; pull out, retire, disengage; flee, turn tail …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • pull back — verb a) To pull in a backwards direction Central African armed forces (FACA) troops were forced to pull back from the town and were planning an operation to retake it, the source said. b) To retreat Her nightgown was thin, and she felt chilly as… …   Wiktionary

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