- puffin
- ˈpʌfɪn (зоология) тупик, топорик (Fratercula) (зоология) буревестник (Puffinus)
puffin зоол. тупик;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
puffin — [ pyfɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1760; mot angl.; o. i. ♦ Oiseau de mer migrateur (procellariiformes), voisin du pétrel. ● puffin nom masculin (anglais puffin) Oiseau marin migrateur, voisin des pétrels, aux ailes longues et étroites, au plumage noirâtre ou… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Puffin — Puf fin (p[u^]f f[i^]n), n. [Akin to puff.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) An arctic sea bird {Fratercula arctica}) allied to the auks, and having a short, thick, swollen beak, whence the name; called also {bottle nose}, {cockandy}, {coulterneb}, {marrot},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Puffin — (Puffinus), bei Cuvier Untergattung von Sturmvogel (Familie der Langflügler), untere Schnabelspitze wie die obere abwärts gekrümmt, röhrenförmigen Nasenlöcher nicht verbunden, Schnabel länger; Art: Englischer od. Nordischer P. (P. arctica, P.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
puffin — N. Atlantic seabird, mid 14c., perhaps connected with puff on notion of appearance, or from some Celtic word (earliest association is with Cornwall and Scilly), and altered by influence of puff … Etymology dictionary
puffin — ► NOUN ▪ a northern auk with a large head and a massive brightly coloured triangular bill. ORIGIN originally denoting a shearwater: apparently from PUFF(Cf. ↑puffer), with reference to a shearwater s fat nestlings … English terms dictionary
puffin — [puf′in] n. [ME poffin < ? assoc. by folk etym. with PUFF, because of the enormous beak or blown up appearance of the young] any of various northern alcidine shorebirds (esp. genus Fratercula) black above and white below, with a short neck,… … English World dictionary
Puffin — For other uses, see Puffin (disambiguation). Puffin Atlantic Puffins (F. arctica) Conservation status … Wikipedia
Puffin — Nom vernaculaire ou nom normalisé ambigu : Le terme « Puffins » s applique en français à plusieurs taxons distincts. Puffins … Wikipédia en Français
puffin — /puf in/, n. any of several alcidine sea birds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda, having a short neck and a large, compressed, grooved bill, as F. arctica (Atlantic puffin), of the North Atlantic. [1300 50; ME poffoun, poffin, puffon (cf. AL… … Universalium
Puffin — Papageitaucher Papageitaucher (Fratercula arctica) Systematik Klasse: Vögel (Aves) Ordnun … Deutsch Wikipedia
puffin — UK [ˈpʌfɪn] / US noun [countable] Word forms puffin : singular puffin plural puffins a large black and white bird with a big brightly coloured beak. It lives near the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans … English dictionary