puddingy — pudding ► NOUN 1) a dessert, especially a cooked one. 2) chiefly Brit. the dessert course of a meal. 3) a baked or steamed savoury dish made with suet and flour or batter. 4) the intestines of a pig or sheep stuffed with oatmeal, spices, and meat … English terms dictionary
puddingy — adjective Like pudding; having a heavy, stodgy texture. Syn: puddingish … Wiktionary
puddingy — pud·dingy … English syllables
puddingy — ˈpu̇diŋē, dēŋē adjective : resembling a pudding … Useful english dictionary
pudding — noun 1》 chiefly Brit. a cooked sweet dish served after the main course of a meal. ↘the dessert course of a meal. ↘N. Amer. a dessert with a soft or creamy consistency. 2》 a sweet or savoury steamed dish made with suet and flour. 3》 Brit.… … English new terms dictionary
pudding — ► NOUN 1) a dessert, especially a cooked one. 2) chiefly Brit. the dessert course of a meal. 3) a baked or steamed savoury dish made with suet and flour or batter. 4) the intestines of a pig or sheep stuffed with oatmeal, spices, and meat and… … English terms dictionary
pudding — n. 1 a any of various sweet cooked dishes (plum pudding; rice pudding). b a savoury dish containing flour, suet, etc. (Yorkshire pudding; steak and kidney pudding). c the sweet course of a meal. d the intestines of a pig etc. stuffed with oatmeal … Useful english dictionary