Смотреть что такое "pudding-pie" в других словарях:
Pudding pie — Pudding Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pudding-pie — puddˈing pie noun 1. A suet dough pudding with meat baked in it 2. Any of various kinds of pastry • • • Main Entry: ↑pudding … Useful english dictionary
Pudding — most often refers to a dessert, but can also be a savory dish. There are two main types.The word pudding probably comes from the French boudin , originally from the Latin botellus , meaning small sausage, referring to encased meats used in… … Wikipedia
Pudding — Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or moderately… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pudding grass — Pudding Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pudding pipe — Pudding Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pudding sleeve — Pudding Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pudding stone — Pudding Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pudding time — Pudding Pud ding, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L. botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan. podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten, also E. pod, pout, v.] 1. A species of food of a soft or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pie — pie1 pielike, adj. /puy/, n. 1. a baked food having a filling of fruit, meat, pudding, etc., prepared in a pastry lined pan or dish and often topped with a pastry crust: apple pie; meat pie. 2. a layer cake with a filling of custard, cream jelly … Universalium
Pie in the Sky (TV series) — infobox television show name = Pie in the Sky caption = format = Comedy/Drama runtime = 50 Minutes creator = Andrew Payne starring = Richard Griffiths Maggie Steed Malcolm Sinclair Nick Raggett country = United Kingdom network = BBC 1 first aired … Wikipedia