publishing industry
Смотреть что такое "publishing industry" в других словарях:
Publishing industry in the People's Republic of China — The Chinese publishing industry has continued to grow. In 2004 China published 25.77 billion copies of national level and provincial level newspapers, 2.69 billion magazines, and 6.44 billion books. Contents 1 Overview 2 Books and Periodicals 3… … Wikipedia
Publishing industry — Издательское дело … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Publishing — is the process of production and dissemination of literature or information ndash; the activity of making information available for public view. In some cases authors may be their own publishers, meaning: originators and developers of content… … Wikipedia
publishing — /pub li shing/, n. the activities or business of a publisher, esp. of books or periodicals: He plans to go into publishing after college. [1375 1425; late ME (ger.); see PUBLISH, ING1] * * * Traditionally, the selection, preparation, and… … Universalium
PUBLISHING — This article is arranged according to the following outline: general publishing The Dutch Jerusalem in germany and austria in scandinavia in italy in france in czechoslovakia in yugoslavia in romania in hungary in poland in russia in spain and… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Publishing in China — The Chinese publishing industry has continued to grow. In 2004 China published 25.77 billion copies of national level and provincial level newspapers, 2.69 billion magazines, and 6.44 billion books.OverviewSince China began incorporation of its… … Wikipedia
publishing trends — The most significant trend in the publishing industry in recent years has been its increasing concentration in the hands of international media conglomerates. In the 1980s and 1990s, a series of traditional London publishers have been bought… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
publishing — Synonyms and related words: AP, Associated Press, Fleet Street, Reuters, UPI, United Press International, airing, albertype, bandying, book, book printing, book publishing, broadcast, broadcasting, bruiting, bruiting about, chromotypography,… … Moby Thesaurus
PUBLISHING HOUSES — The modern Japanese publishing industry began during the Meiji period with the widespread use of moveable type. Prior to that time, Japanese publishers favored wood block printing, owing to its facility for including illustrations. As… … Japanese literature and theater
industry — noun 1) Canadian industry Syn: manufacturing, production; construction 2) the publishing industry Syn: business, trade, field, line (of business); informal racket 3) the kitchen was a hive of industry … Thesaurus of popular words
industry — noun 1) British industry Syn: manufacturing, production, construction, trade, commerce 2) the publishing industry Syn: business, trade, field, line of business, profession 3) … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary