public easement
Смотреть что такое "public easement" в других словарях:
public easement — The right of the general public to use certain streets, highways, paths, or airspace, even though the areas are owned by others. Category: Real Estate & Rental Property Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary.… … Law dictionary
public easement — noun any easement enjoyed by the public in general (as the public s right to use public streets) • Hypernyms: ↑easement … Useful english dictionary
public easement — A public right of way. 25 Am J2d Ease § 7. The right of the public to use a highway; an easement which embraces every reasonable and proper use of the way in the transportation of persons or property not prohibited by law. 25 Am J1st High § 166 … Ballentine's law dictionary
easement — ease·ment / ēz mənt/ n [Anglo French esement, literally, benefit, convenience, from Old French aisement, from aisier to ease, assist]: an interest in land owned by another that entitles its holder to a specific limited use or enjoyment (as the… … Law dictionary
Easement — For spiral easements on railroads, see Track transition curve. Property law … Wikipedia
easement — A right of use over the property of another. Traditionally the permitted kinds of uses were limited, the most important being rights of way and rights concerning flowing waters. The easement was normally for the benefit of adjoining lands, no… … Black's law dictionary
easement — A right of use over the property of another. Traditionally the permitted kinds of uses were limited, the most important being rights of way and rights concerning flowing waters. The easement was normally for the benefit of adjoining lands, no… … Black's law dictionary
easement — /eez meuhnt/, n. 1. Law. a right held by one property owner to make use of the land of another for a limited purpose, as right of passage. 2. an easing; relief. 3. something that gives ease; a convenience. 4. Archit. a curved joint. [1350 1400;… … Universalium
easement appendant — Same as easement appurtenant. See affirmative easement; apparent easement; continuous easement; discontinuous easement; dominant tenement; license; lost grant; necessary easement; negative easement; praedial servitude; … Ballentine's law dictionary
easement of access — /iyzmsnt av aekses/ An easement of access is the right which an abutting owner has of ingress to and egress from his premises, in addition to the public easement in the street + easement of access Right of ingress and egress to and from the… … Black's law dictionary
easement of access — /iyzmsnt av aekses/ An easement of access is the right which an abutting owner has of ingress to and egress from his premises, in addition to the public easement in the street + easement of access Right of ingress and egress to and from the… … Black's law dictionary