
pju:ˈbesnt прил.
1) достигший половой зрелости
2) бот.;
зоол. покрытый пушком, волосками юноша, достиглий половой зрелости достигший половой зрелости имеющий волосы на лобке (ботаника) покрытый пушком;
опушенный pubescent достигающий или достигший половой зрелости ~ бот., зоол. покрытый пушком, волосиками

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pubescent" в других словарях:

  • PUBESCENT — PUBESCE En morphologie végétale, le terme «pubescent» qualifie l’aspect d’un organe ou d’une plante recouverts de poils fins et denses comme un duvet. Ce caractère joue un certain rôle dans la classification intragénérique des plantes à fleurs:… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pubescent — PUBESCÉNT, Ă, pubescenţi, te, adj. (Despre frunze, tulpini etc.) Care este acoperit cu peri fini şi mici, ca un puf. – Din fr. pubescent. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 24.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  pubescént adj. m., pl. pubescénţi; f. sg. pubescéntă …   Dicționar Român

  • Pubescent — Pu*bes cent, a. [L. pubescens, entis, p. pr. of pubescere to reach puberty, to grow hairy or mossy, fr. pubes pubes: cf. F. pubescent.] 1. Arrived at puberty. [1913 Webster] That . . . the men (are) pubescent at the age of twice seven, is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pubescent — (adj.) 1610s, from Fr. pubescent (early 16c.) or directly from L. pubescens (see PUBESCENCE (Cf. pubescence)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • pubescent — index juvenile, minor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • pubescent — pubescent, ente (pu bè ssan, ssan t ) adj. Terme d histoire naturelle. Garni de poils fins et courts. •   Bractées membraneuses, droites, pubescentes, VENTENAT Instit. Mém. scienc. t. IV, p. 15. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Lat. pubescere, se couvrir de poil… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • pubescent — [pyo͞o bes′ənt] adj. [Fr < L pubescens, prp. of pubescere, to reach puberty < pubes, adult, akin to puber: see PUBERTY] 1. reaching or having reached the state of puberty 2. covered with a soft down, as many plants and insects …   English World dictionary

  • pubescent — [[t]pjuːbe̱s(ə)nt[/t]] ADJ A pubescent girl or boy has reached the stage in their life when their body is becoming physically like an adult s. [FORMAL] ...a horde of pubescent boys and girls who tug at his microphone …   English dictionary

  • pubescent — adjective 1. (of animals especially human beings) having arrived at the onset of puberty (the age at which sex glands become functional) but not yet fully mature (Freq. 3) the budding breasts of a pubescent girl and the downy chin of pubescent… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pubescent — adjective Etymology: Latin pubescent , pubescens, present participle of pubescere to reach puberty, become covered as with hair, from pubes Date: 1646 1. a. arriving at or having reached puberty b. of or relating to puberty 2. covered with fine… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pubescent — pubescence, pubescency, n. /pyooh bes euhnt/, adj. 1. arriving or arrived at puberty. 2. Bot., Zool. covered with down or fine short hair. [1640 50; < L pubescent (s. of pubescens), prp. of pubescere to attain puberty, reach puberty, become hairy …   Universalium

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