Смотреть что такое "psychosomatics" в других словарях:
psychosomatics — noun psychosomatic medicine … Wiktionary
psychosomatics — psy·cho·so·mat·ics .sī kə sə mat iks, kō , sō n pl but sing in constr a branch of medical science dealing with interrelationships between the mind or emotions and the body and esp. with the relation of psychic conflict to somatic symptomatology … Medical dictionary
psychosomatics — n. use of psychological techniques to treat disease … English contemporary dictionary
psychosomatics — psy·cho·so·mat·ics … English syllables
psychosomatics — d.iks noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary psychosomat (from psychosomatic) (I) + ics : a branch of medical science that deals with the interrelationships between mental or emotional and somatic… … Useful english dictionary
Психосоматика (psychosomatics) — П. в широком смысле слова, включает все взаимодействия между поведением (мысли, эмоции, действия) и соматическим заболеванием. Существование таких отношений признавалось на протяжении столетий. По существу, мед. лечение опиралось в основном на… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Alexithymia — (pronEng|əˌlɛksəˈθaɪmiə) from the Greek words λεξις and θυμος (literally without words for emotions ) is a term coined by Peter Sifneos in 1973Bar On Parker (2000), pp. 40–59] Taylor (1997), pp. 28–31] to describe a state of deficiency in… … Wikipedia
William Breitbart — William S. Breitbart, FAPM, is an American psychiatrist who is an international leader in the fields of Psychosomatic Medicine, Psycho oncology, and Palliative Care. Dr. Breitbart, a renown clinician, researcher, and educator, is the Chief of the … Wikipedia
Morgellons — Disease Classification and external resources MeSH D055535 Morgellons (also called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome), is a name given in 2002 by Mary Leitao[1] to a propose … Wikipedia
Depression (differential diagnoses) — Neuroimaging can be a valuable tool in the diagnostic work up of various psychiatric disorders including depression.[1] Depression, one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders,[2][ … Wikipedia
Mirtazapine — Systematic (IUPAC) name … Wikipedia