psychochemical — [sī΄kōkem′i kəl] n. any of various drugs or chemical compounds, as LSD, capable of affecting mental activity adj. of or pertaining to psychochemicals … English World dictionary
psychochemical — noun Date: 1956 a psychoactive chemical • psychochemical adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
psychochemical — psy·cho·chem·i·cal kem i kəl n a psychoactive chemical psychochemical adj … Medical dictionary
psychochemical — ¦sīkōˌ noun Etymology: psych + chemical : a psychoactive chemical • psychochemical adjective * * * /suy koh kem i keuhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to chemicals or drugs that affect the mind or behavior. n. 2. any such substance, esp. when used as a… … Useful english dictionary
Psychochemical weapon — The USA was highly interested in the military use of LSD Psychochemical weapons, also known as drug weapons, are psychopharmacological agents used within the context of military aggression. They fall within the range of mid spectrum agents, i.e.… … Wikipedia
psychochemical agent — psichotropinė kovinė nuodingoji medžiaga statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Žalojamoji nuodingoji medžiaga, sukelianti laikinas psichozes dėl centrinės nervų sistemos cheminio reguliavimo pažeidimo. Patekusi į organizmą … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
psychochemical — /suy koh kem i keuhl/, adj. 1. pertaining to chemicals or drugs that affect the mind or behavior. n. 2. any such substance, esp. when used as a chemical warfare agent. [1955 60; PSYCHO + CHEMICAL] * * * … Universalium
psychochemical — adj. of psychochemistry, of the influence of chemicals on mental processes … English contemporary dictionary
psychochemical — psy·cho·chemical … English syllables
psychochemical — /saɪkoʊˈkɛmɪkəl/ (say suykoh kemikuhl) noun 1. a psychoactive substance. –adjective 2. of or relating to such a substance …
Non-lethal weapon — Pepper spray demonstration Non lethal weapons, also called less lethal weapons, less than lethal weapons, non deadly weapons, compliance weapons, or pain inducing weapons are weapons intended to be less likely to kill a living target than are… … Wikipedia