psi- function

psi- function
пси-функция, y-функция Гаусса, диагамма функции

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "psi- function" в других словарях:

  • Psi function — can refer to either*Dedekind psi function *Digamma function …   Wikipedia

  • psi function — noun a) A function of a complex variable obtained by differentiating the logarithm of a gamma function; the digamma function b) The Schrödinger wave function …   Wiktionary

  • Dedekind psi function — In number theory, the Dedekind psi function is the multiplicative function on the positive integers defined by where the product is taken over all primes p dividing n (by convention, ψ(1) is the empty product and so has value 1). The function was …   Wikipedia

  • Psi — may refer to:As a word* Psi (Greek) (Ψ, ψ) a letter of the Greek alphabet * Psi (Cyrillic) (Ѱ, ѱ), a letter of the early Cyrillic alphabet, adopted from Greek * Psi (instant messaging client), a popular Jabber client program * Psi… …   Wikipedia

  • Psi Chi — (ΨΧ) is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. It is one of the largest honor societies in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Psi Upsilon — (ΨΥ, Psi U) is the fifth oldest college fraternity in the United States [ Psi Upsilon Tablet ] , founded at Union College in 1833. It has chapters at colleges and universities throughout North America. For most of its history, Psi Upsilon, like… …   Wikipedia

  • Psi (letter) — For other uses, see Psi. Psi (uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700. In both Classical and Modern Greek, the letter indicates the combination /ps/ (like in English lapse ). In Greek,… …   Wikipedia

  • psi — 1. The 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet (ψ). 2. (ψ) Symbol for pseudouridine; pseudo ; wave function; the dihedral angle of rotation about the C1–Cα bond associated with a peptide bond. 3. Pounds per square inch. * * * parenting stress… …   Medical dictionary

  • Dedekind function — In number theory, Dedekind function can refer to any of three functions, all introduced by Richard Dedekind Dedekind eta function Dedekind psi function Dedekind zeta function This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title …   Wikipedia

  • Schrödinger wave function — noun A function which is a solution of Schrödingers wave equation; the psi function …   Wiktionary

  • Wave function — Not to be confused with the related concept of the Wave equation Some trajectories of a harmonic oscillator (a ball attached to a spring) in classical mechanics (A B) and quantum mechanics (C H). In quantum mechanics (C H), the ball has a wave… …   Wikipedia

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