Смотреть что такое "pseudotensor" в других словарях:
Pseudotensor — In physics and mathematics, a pseudotensor is usually a quantity that transforms like a tensor under a proper rotation, but gains an additional sign flip under an improper rotation (a transformation that can be expressed as an inversion followed… … Wikipedia
Pseudotensor — Ein Axialvektor oder axialer Vektor, auch Pseudovektor genannt, ist in der Physik eine vektorielle Größe, welche bei einer Punktspiegelung des untersuchten physikalischen Systems unverändert bleibt. Zur Unterscheidung nennt man einen Vektor polar … Deutsch Wikipedia
pseudotensor — noun A quantity that transforms like a tensor under a proper rotation but gains an additional change of sign under an improper rotation … Wiktionary
Stress-energy-momentum pseudotensor — In the theory of general relativity, a stress energy momentum pseudotensor, such as the Landau Lifshitz pseudotensor, is an extension of the non gravitational stress energy tensor which incorporates the energy momentum of gravity. It allows the… … Wikipedia
Pseudoscalar — In physics, a pseudoscalar is a quantity that behaves like a scalar, except that it changes sign under a parity inversion such as improper rotations while true scalar does not.The prototypical example of a pseudoscalar is the scalar triple… … Wikipedia
Stress-energy tensor — The stress energy tensor (sometimes stress energy momentum tensor) is a tensor quantity in physics that describes the density and flux of energy and momentum in spacetime, generalizing the stress tensor of Newtonian physics. It is an attribute of … Wikipedia
Albert Einstein — Einstein redirects here. For other uses, see Einstein (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Gravitational energy — is the energy associated with the gravitational field.According to classical mechanics, between two or more masses (or other forms of energy momentum) a gravitational potential energy exists. Conservation of energy requires that this… … Wikipedia
Levi-Civita symbol — Not to be confused with Levi Civita connection. The Levi Civita symbol, also called the permutation symbol, antisymmetric symbol, or alternating symbol, is a mathematical symbol used in particular in tensor calculus. It is named after the Italian … Wikipedia
Tensor density — A tensor density transforms as a tensor, except that it is additionally multiplied or weighted by a power of the Jacobian determinant.For example, a rank 3 tensor density of weight W transforms as::A {ijk}^prime =egin{vmatrix} alpha… … Wikipedia
Sticky bead argument — In general relativity, the sticky bead argument is a simple thought experiment designed to show that gravitational radiation is indeed predicted by general relativity, and can have physical effects. These claims were not widely accepted prior to… … Wikipedia