pseudoconvex function

pseudoconvex function
мат. псевдовыпуклая функция

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pseudoconvex function" в других словарях:

  • pseudoconvex — adjective (said of a function) differentiable and increasing in any direction where it has a positive directional derivative. Ant: pseudoconcave …   Wiktionary

  • Convex function — on an interval. A function (in black) is convex if and only i …   Wikipedia

  • Quasiconvex function — In mathematics, a quasiconvex function is a real valued function defined on an interval or on a convex subset of a real vector space such that the inverse image of any set of the form ( infty,a) is a convex set. Definition and… …   Wikipedia

  • Plurisubharmonic function — In mathematics, plurisubharmonic functions form an important class of functions used in complex analysis. On a Kahler manifold,plurisubharmonic functions form a subset of the subharmonic functions. However, unlikesubharmonic functions (which are… …   Wikipedia

  • Convex optimization — Convex minimization, a subfield of optimization, studies the problem of minimizing convex functions over convex sets. Given a real vector space X together with a convex, real valued function defined on a convex subset of X, the problem is to find …   Wikipedia

  • Pseudoconvexity — In mathematics, more precisely in the theory of functions of several complex variables, a pseudoconvex set is a special type of open set in the n dimensional complex space C n . Pseudoconvex sets are important, as they allow for classification of …   Wikipedia

  • CR manifold — In mathematics, a CR manifold is a differentiable manifold together with a geometric structure modeled on that of a real hypersurface in a complex vector space, or more generally modeled on an edge of a wedge. Formally, a CR manifold is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Stein manifold — In mathematics, a Stein manifold in the theory of several complex variables and complex manifolds is a complex submanifold of the vector space of n complex dimensions. The name is for Karl Stein. Definition A complex manifold X of complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Domain of holomorphy — The sets in the definition. In mathematics, in the theory of functions of several complex variables, a domain of holomorphy is a set which is maximal in the sense that there exists a holomorphic function on this set which cannot be extended to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Steven G. Krantz — Steven George Krantz (* 3. Februar 1951 in San Francisco) ist ein US amerikanischer Mathematiker, der sich mit Analysis beschäftigt. Steven Krantz 2009 Krantz studierte an der University of California, Santa Cruz, mit einem Bachelor Abschluss… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shing-Tung Yau — at Harvard Law School dining hall Born …   Wikipedia

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