Смотреть что такое "pseudepigrapha" в других словарях:
Pseudepigrapha — (from Ancient Greek ψευδής pseudes false , epigraphe = inscription ; see the related epigraphy ) are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed authorship is unfounded; a work, simply, whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past.… … Wikipedia
pseudepigrapha — [so͞o΄də pig′rə fə] pl.n. sing. pseudepigraphon [so͞o΄də pig′rəfän΄] [ModL < Gr, neut. pl. of pseudepigraphos, having a false title < pseudēs, false + epigraphein, to inscribe < epi, upon + graphein, to write: see GRAPHIC] [also P ] a… … English World dictionary
pseudepigrapha — pseudepigraphic /sooh dep i graf ik/, pseudepigraphical, pseudepigraphous, pseudepigraphal, adj. /sooh deuh pig reuh feuh/, n. (used with a plural v.) certain writings (other than the canonical books and the Apocrypha) professing to be Biblical… … Universalium
pseudepigrapha — n. pl. spurious books supposed to be written by or about Biblical persons but not contained in Apocrypha. ♦ pseudepigraphal, a. ♦ pseudepigraphic, a. pertaining to pseudepigrapha or pseudepigraphy. ♦ pseudepigraphous, a. bearing wrong… … Dictionary of difficult words
pseudepigrapha — noun Writings falsely ascribed to biblical times, especially to 3rd century Judaic scripture … Wiktionary
Pseudepigrapha — Jewish Writings not included in the OT or Apocrypha, published under assumed names. They give information which is important for understanding the background of the NT. Prophecy had ceased, and interpretations of the will of God were offered in… … Dictionary of the Bible
PSEUDEPIGRAPHA — a written work attributed to a famous author as a means of endowing it with religious AUTHORITY when in fact it was written by someone else. Extra CANONICAL Biblical writings, such as Book of Enoch, fall into this category … Concise dictionary of Religion
pseudepigrapha — apocrypha; non canonical books of the Bible Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
pseudepigrapha — suËdɪ pɪgrÉ™fÉ™ / sju n. written works that are falsely attributed to Biblical characters … English contemporary dictionary
pseudepigrapha — [ˌs(j)u:dɪ pɪgrəfə] plural noun spurious or pseudonymous writings, especially Jewish writings ascribed to various biblical patriarchs and prophets but composed c.200 BC–AD 200. Derivatives pseudepigraphal adjective pseudepigraphic adjective… … English new terms dictionary
pseudepigrapha — pseud·epig·ra·pha … English syllables