psalmist — PSALMÍST, psalmişti, s.m. 1. Autor sau cântăreţ de psalmi. 2. (art.) Nume dat regelui evreu David, considerat autorul psalmilor biblici. – Din fr. psalmiste, lat. psalmista. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 24.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 PSALMÍST s. (bis.)… … Dicționar Român
psalmist — psàlmist (psalmȉst) m DEFINICIJA 1. pisac ili kompozitor psalama 2. bibl. David ili pisac ijednog drugoga biblijskog psalma ETIMOLOGIJA vidi psalam … Hrvatski jezični portal
psalmist — [säm′ist] n. a composer of psalms the Psalmist King David, to whom all or certain of the Psalms are variously attributed … English World dictionary
Psalmist — Psalm ist, n. [L. psalmista, Gr. ?: cf. F. psalmiste. See {Psalm}.] 1. A writer or composer of sacred songs; a title particularly applied to David and the other authors of the Scriptural psalms. [1913 Webster] 2. (R. C. Ch.) A clerk, precentor,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Psalmist — Psalmist, 1) der Sänger eines Psalmen, bes. David; 2) bildlich der Dichter jedes geistlichen Liedes … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Psalmist — (kirchenlat.), soviel wie Psalmendichter, insbesondere David … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
psalmist — UK [ˈsɑːmɪst] / US [ˈsɑmɪst] noun [countable] Word forms psalmist : singular psalmist plural psalmists someone who writes psalms … English dictionary
psalmist — /sah mist/, n. 1. an author of psalms. 2. the Psalmist, David, the traditional author of the Psalms. [1475 85; < LL psalmista. See PSALM, IST] * * * … Universalium
psalmist — psalm•ist [[t]ˈsɑ mɪst[/t]] n. 1) bib an author of psalms 2) bib the Psalmist, David, the traditional author of the Psalms • Etymology: 1475–85; < LL psalmista … From formal English to slang
psalmíst — a m (ȋ) pesnik psalmov: psalmist opeva lepoto mirnega življenja … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
psalmist — psalm ► NOUN ▪ a religious song or hymn, in particular any of those contained in the biblical Book of Psalms. DERIVATIVES psalmist noun. ORIGIN Greek psalmos song sung to harp music … English terms dictionary