proximity space
Смотреть что такое "proximity space" в других словарях:
Proximity space — In topology, a proximity space is an axiomatization of notions of nearness that hold set to set, as opposed to the better known point to set notions that characterize topological spaces.The concept was described by Frigyes Riesz in 1908 and… … Wikipedia
Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol — is a short haul delivery protocol designed to establish a two way communications link between a lander and an orbiter, negotiate data rate and communications mode, and reliably deliver data during short orbiter to surface contacts. Developed by… … Wikipedia
proximity — proximity, propinquity are often used almost interchangeably to denote nearness. Proximity, however, commonly implies simple and often temporary nearness in space; it may be used with reference to either persons or things found in the same… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Proximity effect (superconductivity) — Proximity effect is a term used in the field of superconductivity to describe phenomena that occur when a superconductor (S) is placed in contact with a normal (N) non superconductor. Typically the critical temperature T {c} of the superconductor … Wikipedia
Space exploration — is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. [cite web | url = ex/exploration.html | title = How Space is Explored | publisher = NASA] Physical exploration of space is conducted … Wikipedia
Space weather — is the concept of changing environmental conditions in outer space. It is distinct from the concept of weather within a planetary atmosphere, and deals with phenomena involving ambient plasma, magnetic fields, radiation and other matter in space… … Wikipedia
Proximity search — may refer to: * Proximity search (text) * Proximity search (metric space) … Wikipedia
proximity — ► NOUN ▪ nearness in space, time, or relationship … English terms dictionary
proximity — [präk sim′ə tē] n. [MFr proximité < L proximitas < proximus: see PROXIMATE] the state or quality of being near; nearness in space, time, etc … English World dictionary
Space rendezvous — A space rendezvous is an orbital maneuver during which two spacecraft, one of which is often a space station, arrive at the same orbit and approach to a very close distance (e.g. within visual contact). Rendezvous requires a precise match of the… … Wikipedia
Space Preservation Act — The Space Preservation Act was a series of four bills introduced to the United States House of Representatives designed to preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benefit of all humankind. Space Preservation Act of 2005.… … Wikipedia