proximity detector

proximity detector

1. маш. бесконтактный путевой выключатель
2. бесконтактный датчик
3. рбт детектор приближения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "proximity detector" в других словарях:

  • Proximity detector — Proximity detectors are devices that use mutual capacitance between itself and a nearby human body in order to detect a person s presence. OverviewThe human body is a great capacitor (body capacitance), and the proximity detector s capacitance… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic proximity fuze — A Magnetic proximity fuze was patented by P.J. Eliomarkakis, (United States Patent US2434551 of January 13, 1948) [1] although similar devices had been in service for nearly a decade. It is a type of proximity fuze that initiates a detonator in a …   Wikipedia

  • Ring imaging Čerenkov detector — A Ring Imaging Čerenkov detector (RICH detector) is a particle detector that can determine the velocity, v , of a charged fundamental particle. This is done by an indirect measurement of the Čerenkov angle, heta c , i.e. the angle between the… …   Wikipedia

  • Radar detector — A radar detector, sometimes called a fuzz buster, is a passive electronic device used by motorists to determine if their speed is being monitored by law enforcement agencies via a radar unit, and thereby, potentially avoiding prosecution for… …   Wikipedia

  • Electric field proximity sensing — or EFPS is a sensory system that relies on the fact that an electric field can be perturbed by the existence of a nearby object, provided it is at least slightly conductive.EFPS systems today are used in a wide variety of industrial and… …   Wikipedia

  • EPD — electr. abbr. Electronic Proximity Detector space sc. abbr. Electronic Proximity Detector …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

  • бесконтактный датчик — Позиционный выключатель с подвижной частью без механического контакта [ГОСТ Р 50030.5.2 99 (МЭК 60947 5 2 97)] Классификация бесконтактных датчиков (по ГОСТ Р 50030.5.2 99 (МЭК 60947 5 2 97)) по способу обнаружения (1 я позиция в обозначении)… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • датчик для каротажа — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN proximity detectorproximity sensor …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Door closer — Modern manual door closer A door closer is a mechanical device that closes a door, in general after someone opens it, or after it was automatically opened. Choosing a door closer can involve the consideration of a variety of criteria. In addition …   Wikipedia

  • Body capacitance — is a biological property of the human body that makes it a good capacitor and able to store charge. This principle allows touch switches and proximity detectors to interface with the human body the way they do. It is also why humans can build up… …   Wikipedia

  • Eric Howlett — Eric Mayorga Howlett, (1926 ), is the inventor of the LEEP (Large Expanse Extra Perspective), extreme wide angle stereoscopic optics used in photographic and virtual reality systems.According to Wayne Carlson, professor of design at Ohio State… …   Wikipedia

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