- proxemics
- проксемика, изучение взаимодействия человека и окружающей среды
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
proxemics — 1963, coined from PROXIMITY (Cf. proximity) + emics … Etymology dictionary
proxemics — [präk sē′miks] n. the study of how people use and structure space or spatial arrangements in work, personal relations, etc. proxemic adj … English World dictionary
Proxemics — Diagram of Edward T. Hall s personal reaction bubbles (1966), showing radius in feet Proxemics is the study of measurable distances between people as they interact. The term was introduced by anthropologist Edward T. Hall in 1966.[1] The effects… … Wikipedia
proxemics — proksemika statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Erdvės naudojimo bendraujant analizavimas – atstumo tarp pašnekovų, baldų ir kitų objektų sustatymo poveikis socialiniams santykiams, asmens reagavimas pašnekovui įsiveržus į jo… … Sporto terminų žodynas
proxemics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Etymology: proximity + emics (as in phonemics) Date: 1963 the study of the nature, degree, and effect of the spatial separation individuals naturally maintain (as in various social and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
proxemics — proxemic, adj. /prok see miks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) 1. Sociol., Psych. the study of the spatial requirements of humans and animals and the effects of population density on behavior, communication, and social interaction. 2. Ling. the study… … Universalium
proxemics — noun The study of the effects of the physical distance between people in different cultures and societies … Wiktionary
proxemics — The scientific discipline concerned with the various aspects of urban overcrowding. [L. proximus, nearest, next] * * * prox·e·mics präk sē miks n pl but sing or pl in constr the study of the nature, degree, and effect of the spatial separation… … Medical dictionary
proxemics — study of man’s need for personal space Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
proxemics — [prɒk si:mɪks] plural noun [treated as sing.] the branch of study concerned with the amount of space that people set between themselves and others. Origin 1960s: from proximity, on the pattern of words such as phonemics … English new terms dictionary
proxemics — prox·e·mics … English syllables