

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prows" в других словарях:

  • prows — praÊŠ n. bow of a ship, foremost section of a ship …   English contemporary dictionary

  • William Prows — William Cook Prows (or Prouse) (1827 1894), born June 11, 1827, in the upper part of the Kanawha Valley in then the Commonwealth of Virginia (now part of West Virginia), was reportedly the first man to wash gold on the Comstock Lode. [ Southern… …   Wikipedia

  • art and architecture, Oceanic — ▪ visual arts Introduction       the visual art (art) and architecture of native Oceania, including media such as sculpture, pottery, rock art, basketry, masks, painting, and personal decoration. In these cultures, art and architecture have often …   Universalium

  • Massim style —       type of stylized, curvilinear carving found in the Massim region, one of the major stylistic areas of Papua New Guinea. The Massim region, located in the southeast, includes the Trobriand, D Entrecasteaux, and Woodlark islands; the… …   Universalium

  • Comparison of Greek naval and land tactics in the 5th century BC — The Greek navy functioned nothing like the American. Several similarities existed between them, proving that the money instead of the love flowed naturally between the two forms of fighting. Their hatred on land easily translated onto the milk… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Cape Ecnomus — Infobox Military Conflict caption= conflict=Battle of Cape Ecnomus partof=the First Punic War date=256 BC place=Offshore Cape Ecnomus, in Sicily result=Roman victory combatant1=Roman Republic combatant2=Carthage commander1=Marcus Atilius Regulus… …   Wikipedia

  • Rostra — Ancient monuments in Rome name=Rostra, Rostra Vetera label name=Rostra Vetera, Rostra Augusti, Rostra Juli, Rostra ad Palman tekst1=Rostra Vetera is depicted on a Roman coin (right) label x=0.38 label y=0.37 location=Regione VIII Forum Romanum… …   Wikipedia

  • dragon — dragonish, adj. dragonlike, adj. /drag euhn/, n. 1. a mythical monster generally represented as a huge, winged reptile with crested head and enormous claws and teeth, and often spouting fire. 2. Archaic. a huge serpent or snake. 3. Bible. a large …   Universalium

  • Greek fire — 1. an incendiary mixture of unknown composition, used in warfare in medieval times by Byzantine Greeks. 2. any of a group of inflammable mixtures; wildfire. [1820 30] * * * Any of several flammable mixtures used in ancient and medieval warfare,… …   Universalium

  • Cnut the Great — For other people named Canute of Denmark, see Canute of Denmark. Canute and Cnut redirect here. For other people of these names, see Knut. Cnut the Great Coin of Cnut the Great from the British Museum …   Wikipedia

  • rostrum — [16] Latin rōstrum originally meant ‘beak’ or ‘muzzle of an animal’ – it was derived from the verb rōdere ‘gnaw’ (source of English corrode [14], erode [17], and rodent [19]). The word was also applied metaphorically to the ‘beaklike’ prows of… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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