- provision of funds
- предоставление денежных средств
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
provision — noun 1) the provision of weapons to guerrillas Syn: supplying, supply, providing, giving, presentation, donation; equipping, furnishing 2) there has been limited provision for gifted children Syn: facilities, services … Thesaurus of popular words
provision — noun 1) the provision of weapons to guerrillas Syn: supply, giving, donation, equipping, furnishing, distribution 2) limited provision for young children Syn: facilities, services, amenities, resource(s) … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
provision — Foresight of the chance of an event happening, sufficient to indicate that any present undertaking upon which its assumed realization might exert a natural and proper influence was entered upon in full contemplation of it as a future possibility … Black's law dictionary
Fair Funds for Investors — Provision introduced in 2002, under Section 308(a) of the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Fair Funds for Investors was put into place to benefit those investors who have lost money because of the illegal or unethical activities of individuals or companies… … Investment dictionary
National Association of Pension Funds — Abbreviation NAPF Motto Securing the future of pensions Formation 1923 Legal status Non profit company Purpose/focus … Wikipedia
Taxation of private equity and hedge funds — Private equity funds and hedge funds are private investment vehicles used to pool investment capital, usually for a small group of large institutional or wealthy individual investors. They are subject to favorable regulatory treatment in most… … Wikipedia
Sprinkling Provision — A provision within a life insurance agreement that allows the trustee of the policy to spread the death benefit around to the beneficiaries at his or her discretion. The sprinkling provision gives the beneficiaries who are in greater need of the… … Investment dictionary
Exchange Traded Funds — Ein Exchange traded fund (ETF) (wörtlich börsengehandelter Fonds ) ist ein Indexfonds in Form eines Sondervermögens, der an der Börse gehandelt, meist passiv verwaltet wird und meist einen zugrundeliegenden Index abbildet.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pension provision in the United Kingdom — UK Pension Provision falls into seven major divisions; Basic State Pension, State Second Pension (S2P), Occupational Pensions, Stakeholder Pensions, Group Personal Pensions and Personal or Individual Pensions. Personal Accounts automatic… … Wikipedia
Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Directive — 2003/41/EC is a European Union Directive designed to create an internal market for occupational retirement provision. It lays down minimum standards on funding pension schemes, the types of investments pensions may make and permits cross border… … Wikipedia
beach bum trust provision — A clause in a trust that requires the trust beneficiary to earn his or her own money in order to receive trust funds. This provision is intended to encourage the beneficiary to work, and not just lie around the beach and live off the trust.… … Law dictionary