Provinciality — Pro*vin ci*al i*ty, n. The quality or state of being provincial; peculiarity of language characteristic of a province. T. Warton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
provinciality — quality or condition of being provincial, 1759, from PROVINCIAL (Cf. provincial) + ITY (Cf. ity) … Etymology dictionary
provinciality — prəˌvinchēˈaləd.ē, prōˌ , ətē, i noun ( es) 1. : the quality or state of being provincial : provincialism lack of intercourse with others … with a consequent increase in his aloofness and provinciality J.T.Adams the provinciality of his thought… … Useful english dictionary
provinciality — provincial ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to a province or the provinces. 2) unsophisticated or narrow minded. ► NOUN 1) an inhabitant of a province. 2) an inhabitant of the regions outside the capital city of a country. DERIVATIVES provincialism noun … English terms dictionary
provinciality — noun (plural ties) Date: 1782 1. provincialism 2 2. an act or instance of provincialism … New Collegiate Dictionary
provinciality — /preuh vin shee al i tee/, n., pl. provincialities. 1. provincial character. 2. provincial characteristic: Her provincialities reflect a refreshing naturalness. [1775 85; PROVINCIAL + ITY] * * * … Universalium
provinciality — n. unsophistication, simplicity; rusticness, ruralness, small town quality; narrow mindedness, parochialism … English contemporary dictionary
provinciality — pro·vin·ci·al·i·ty … English syllables
provinciality — pro•vin•ci•al•i•ty [[t]prəˌvɪn ʃiˈæl ɪ ti[/t]] n. pl. ties 1) provincial character; provincialism 2) a provincial characteristic • Etymology: 1775–85 … From formal English to slang
provinciality — /prəvɪnʃiˈæləti/ (say pruhvinshee aluhtee) noun (plural provincialities) 1. provincial character. 2. a provincial characteristic …
Dinosaur paleobiogeography — is the study of dinosaur geographic distribution, based on evidence in the fossil record. Late Cretaceous North America Centrosaurus apertus. Thomas M. Lehman, in a study of Late Cretaceous dinosaur distribution, concluded that they were… … Wikipedia