provide oneself

provide oneself
обеспечивать себя

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "provide oneself" в других словарях:

  • provide — verb 1) the foundation will provide funds Syn: supply, give, issue, furnish, come up with, dispense, bestow, impart, produce, yield, bring forth, bear, deliver, donate, contribute, pledge, advance …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • provide — providable, adj. /preuh vuyd /, v., provided, providing. v.t. 1. to make available; furnish: to provide employees with various benefits. 2. to supply or equip: to provide the army with new fighter planes. 3. to afford or yield. 4. Law. to arrange …   Universalium

  • fend for oneself — provide for oneself, support oneself, look after oneself, take care of oneself …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fend for oneself — TAKE CARE OF ONESELF, look after oneself, provide for oneself, shift for oneself, manage by oneself, cope alone, stand on one s own two feet. → fend …   Useful english dictionary

  • fend for oneself — the children were forced to fend for themselves Syn: take care of oneself, look after oneself, provide for oneself, manage (by oneself), cope alone, stand on one s own two feet …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • fend for oneself — look after and provide for oneself. → fend …   English new terms dictionary

  • have oneself — {v. phr.}, {nonstandard} To enjoy. Sometimes used in very informal speech to provide emphasis. * /As soon as their parents left, the boys had themselves some fun./ * /After working hard all day, John had himself a good night s sleep./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have oneself — {v. phr.}, {nonstandard} To enjoy. Sometimes used in very informal speech to provide emphasis. * /As soon as their parents left, the boys had themselves some fun./ * /After working hard all day, John had himself a good night s sleep./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • speak for oneself — verb To provide an opinion only on ones own behalf. Im here speaking for myself, not for my company …   Wiktionary

  • have\ oneself — v. phr. nonstandard To enjoy. Sometimes used in very informal speech to provide emphasis. As soon as their parents left, the boys had themselves some fun. After working hard all day, John had himself a good night s sleep …   Словарь американских идиом

  • вооружаться — ВООРУЖАТЬСЯ1, несов. (сов. вооружиться), чем и без доп. Обеспечивать (обеспечить) себя средствами для ведения войны, боя (оружием, техникой) для нападения или защиты; Ант.: разоружаться [impf. mil. to arm oneself (with)]. Восставшие крестьяне… …   Большой толковый словарь русских глаголов

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