- protocol statement
- лог. протокольное предложение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
protocol statement — noun Etymology: translation of German protokollsatz : a basic observational sentence; especially : a statement that reports the uninterpreted results of observations and provides the basis for scientific confirmation … Useful english dictionary
protocol — protocolar /proh teuh kol euhr/, protocolary, protocolic, adj. /proh teuh kawl , kol , kohl /, n. 1. the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette. 2. an original draft, minute, or record from which a… … Universalium
protocol sentence — ▪ philosophy in the philosophy of Logical Positivism, a statement that describes immediate experience or perception and as such is held to be the ultimate ground for knowledge. Such a statement is also called an atomic statement,… … Universalium
protocol — n. minutes statement 1) to draw up a protocol official code of conduct 2) diplomatic; military protocol * * * [ prəʊtəkɒl] military protocol [ minutes ] [ statement ] to draw up a protocol [ official code of conduct ] diplomatic … Combinatory dictionary
Protocol implementation conformance statement — A Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement or most commonly PICS is a structured document which asserts which specific requirements are met by a given implementation of a protocol standard. It is often completed as a record of formal… … Wikipedia
protocol — n. & v. n. 1 a official, esp. diplomatic, formality and etiquette observed on State occasions etc. b the rules, formalities, etc. of any procedure, group, etc. 2 the original draft of a diplomatic document, esp. of the terms of a treaty agreed to … Useful english dictionary
protocol — The rules governing the communications between different computers or computer peripherals. The protocol is a formal statement of how data is to be set out when messages are exchanged, the order and priority of various messages, and so on … Big dictionary of business and management
basic statement — protocol (def. 6). [1955 60] * * * … Universalium
Dining cryptographers protocol/Rewrite — Problem Statement Dining Cryptographers A group of cryptographers is enjoying dinner at a local restaurant. Upon requesting their bill, the cryptographers are surprised to learn from their host that payment for the dinner has already been… … Wikipedia
Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography — The Optional Protocol on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography is a protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and requires states to prohibit the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. The … Wikipedia
Communications protocol — For other senses of this word, see Protocol. A communications protocol is a system of digital message formats and rules for exchanging those messages in or between computing systems and in telecommunications. A protocol may have a formal… … Wikipedia