protest a bill
Смотреть что такое "protest a bill" в других словарях:
To protest a bill — Protest Pro*test , v. t. 1. To make a solemn declaration or affirmation of; to proclaim; to display; as, to protest one s loyalty. [1913 Webster] I will protest your cowardice. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To call as a witness in affirming or denying … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Protest — Pro*test , v. t. 1. To make a solemn declaration or affirmation of; to proclaim; to display; as, to protest one s loyalty. [1913 Webster] I will protest your cowardice. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To call as a witness in affirming or denying, or to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
protest — noun / prəυtest/ 1. a statement or action to show that you do not approve of something ● to make a protest against high prices 2. an official document which proves that a bill of exchange has not been paid ■ verb /prə test/ ♦ to protest a bill to … Dictionary of banking and finance
protest — noun / prəυtest/ an official document which proves that a bill of exchange has not been paid ■ verb /prə test/ ♦ to protest a bill to draw up a document to prove that a bill of exchange has not been paid … Marketing dictionary in english
protest — pro·test n 1: a solemn declaration of opinion and usu. of disagreement: as a: a solemn written declaration by a notary public or U.S. consul on behalf of the holder of an instrument (as a note) announcing dishonor and declaring the liability of… … Law dictionary
Bill S.978 — or the Commercial Felony Streaming Act is a bill that is pending introduction to the United States Senate floor. It was proposed by Amy Klobuchar, Chris Coons, and John Cornyn on May 12, 2011.[1] It is an amendment to USC 2319, Title 18, that… … Wikipedia
Protest — Pro test, n. [Cf. F. prot[^e]t, It. protesto. See {Protest}, v.] 1. A solemn declaration of opinion, commonly a formal objection against some act; especially, a formal and solemn declaration, in writing, of dissent from the proceedings of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bill C-61 (39th Canadian Parliament, 2nd Session) — Bill C 61, An Act to amend the Copyright Act , was a bill tabled in 2008 during the second session of the 39th Canadian Parliament by Minister of Industry Jim Prentice. The bill died on the table when the 39th Parliament was dissolved prematurely … Wikipedia
Bill Pritchard — Nom Bill Pritchard Naissance 1956 Walsall (Royaume Uni) Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
protest — [prō test′, prətest′; ] also, and for n. always [ prō′test΄] vt. [ME protesten < MFr protester < L protestari < pro , PRO 2 + testari, to affirm < testis, witness: see TESTIFY] 1. to state positively; affirm solemnly; assert ☆ 2. to… … English World dictionary
Bill Whatcott — is a Canadian social conservative activist who campaigns against homosexuality and abortion. The dramatic nature of his activities have attracted attention from the media, including an appearance on The Daily Show . He has also run for political… … Wikipedia