protective storage
Смотреть что такое "protective storage" в других словарях:
Australian Protective Service — The Australian Protective Service (APS) was an Australian Commonwealth (Federal) agency which existed between 1984 and 2004. The APS was created by the separation of the Protective Service component of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) into a… … Wikipedia
Computer data storage — 1 GB of SDRAM mounted in a personal computer. An example of primary storage … Wikipedia
Weapon Storage Security System (WS3) — is a marking for the vaults built into the floors of Protective Aircraft Shelters (PAS) on several United States and NATO military airfields all over the world. These vaults are used for a safe special weapons storage, typically of tactical B61… … Wikipedia
Voyage Data Recorder — Voyage Data Recorder, or VDR, is a data recording system designed for all vessels required to comply with the IMO s International Convention SOLAS Requirements (IMO Res.A.861(20)) in order to collect data from various sensors on board the vessel … Wikipedia
Glenbrook Vintage Railway — Heritage Railway name = Glenbrook Vintage Railway caption=JA1250 leads a passenger train on the Glenbrook Vintage Railway at the railway s workshops, 3 January 2008. locale = Glenbrook, Auckland, NZL terminus = linename = Part of the Waiuku… … Wikipedia
mothballs — n. protective storage 1) to put into mothballs (to put ships into mothballs) 2) to take out of mothballs * * * to take out of mothballs [ protective storage ] to put into mothballs (to put ships into mothballs) … Combinatory dictionary
Hangar — A hangar is an enclosed structure to hold aircraft in protective storage. Most hangars are built of metal, but wood and concrete are other materials used. The word hangar comes from a northern French dialect, and means cattle pen. Hangars protect … Wikipedia
Gun safe — A gun safe is a secure and protective storage container for one or more firearms and/or handguns. Gun safes are primarily used to prevent access to unauthorized or unqualified parties, and protect the contents from damage during a flood or fire.… … Wikipedia
Tee Hangar — A Tee hangar is a type of enclosed structure designed to hold aircraft in protective storage. Typically constructed of metal, they are primarily used for private aircraft at General Aviation Airports because they are more economical than… … Wikipedia
coldstorage — cold storage n. 1. Protective storage, as of foods or furs, in a refrigerated place. 2. Informal. A state of being held in abeyance. * * * … Universalium
первая стадия вывода АЭС из эксплуатации — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN passive safe storageprotective storagelayawaymothball … Справочник технического переводчика