- protective reactor
- защитный электрический реактор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
protective reactor — apsauginis droselis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. protective reactance coil; protective reactor vok. Kurzschlußdrossel, f; Strombegrenzungsdrossel, f rus. защитный дроссель, m pranc. inductance de protection, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
protective reactance coil — apsauginis droselis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. protective reactance coil; protective reactor vok. Kurzschlußdrossel, f; Strombegrenzungsdrossel, f rus. защитный дроссель, m pranc. inductance de protection, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Reactor Protective System — A Reactor Protective System (RPS) is a set of nuclear safety components in a nuclear power plant designed to safely shutdown the reactor and prevent the release of radioactive materials. The System can trip automatically (initiating a Scram), or… … Wikipedia
Behavior of nuclear fuel during a reactor accident — This page is devoted to a discussion of how uranium dioxide nuclear fuel behaves during both normal nuclear reactor operation and under reactor accident conditions such as overheating. Work in this area is often very expensive to conduct, and so… … Wikipedia
Nuclear reactor technology — This article is a subarticle of Nuclear power .A nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear chain reactions are initiated, controlled, and sustained at a steady rate, as opposed to a nuclear bomb, in which the chain reaction occurs in a… … Wikipedia
nuclear reactor — Physics. reactor (def. 4). Also called nuclear pile. [1940 45] * * * Device that can initiate and control a self sustaining series of nuclear fission reactions. Neutrons released in one fission reaction may strike other heavy nuclei, causing them … Universalium
Nuclear reactor — Core of CROCUS, a small nuclear reactor used for research at the EPFL in Switzerland This article is a subarticle of Nuclear power. A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction. Most commonly they are… … Wikipedia
Nuclear fuel response to reactor accidents — This page is devoted to a discussion of how uranium dioxide nuclear fuel behaves during both normal nuclear reactor operation and under reactor accident conditions such as overheating. Work in this area is often very expensive to conduct, and so… … Wikipedia
токоограничивающий реактор — [ГОСТ 18624 73] EN current limiting reactor reactor connected in series in a power system to limit the current under system fault conditions [IEC 60076 6, ed. 1.0 (2007 12)] series reactor a reactor intended for series connection in a network,… … Справочник технического переводчика
Kurzschlußdrossel — apsauginis droselis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. protective reactance coil; protective reactor vok. Kurzschlußdrossel, f; Strombegrenzungsdrossel, f rus. защитный дроссель, m pranc. inductance de protection, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Strombegrenzungsdrossel — apsauginis droselis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. protective reactance coil; protective reactor vok. Kurzschlußdrossel, f; Strombegrenzungsdrossel, f rus. защитный дроссель, m pranc. inductance de protection, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas