proprietary hospital

proprietary hospital
амер. частная больница

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "proprietary hospital" в других словарях:

  • hospital — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, asylum, base hospital, clinic, community hospital, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, dispensary, evacuation hospital, field hospital, general hospital, home, infirmary, inpatient clinic, maison de… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • hospital — n. 1) to establish, found a hospital 2) to go to hospital (BE)/to go to the hospital (AE) 3) a base; children s; city, municipal; community, non profit; cottage (BE); evacuation; field; general; mental; military; private, proprietary (AE); state; …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Hospital — It may seem unnecessary to define a hospital since everyone knows the nature of a hospital. A hospital began as a charitable institution for the needy, aged, infirm, or young. The word hospital comes from the Latin hospes which refers to either a …   Medical dictionary

  • mental hospital — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, asylum, base hospital, bedlam, bughouse, clinic, community hospital, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, evacuation hospital, field hospital, general hospital, home, hospital, infirmary, inpatient… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Nicholas H Noyes Memorial Hospital — is a 72 bed acute care hospital in Dansville, New York and provides health services to residents of Livingston, Allegany, Steuben and surrounding counties. The hospital traces its history to Dr. George Ahlers of Pittsburgh who in 1890 organized… …   Wikipedia

  • asylum — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, almshouse, base hospital, bedlam, bird sanctuary, bolt hole, bughouse, cache, clinic, community hospital, concealment, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, corner, cover, covert, coverture, cranny,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • clinic — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, X ray, asylum, base hospital, blood bank, charity ward, community hospital, consultation room, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, delivery room, dispensary, emergency, evacuation hospital, examining …   Moby Thesaurus

  • convalescent home — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, asylum, base hospital, clinic, community hospital, convalescent hospital, evacuation hospital, field hospital, general hospital, home, hospital, infirmary, inpatient clinic, maison de sante, mental… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • home — Synonyms and related words: Heaven, Paradise, VA hospital, Vaterland, a better place, abode, accessible, adept in, afterlife, afterworld, almshouse, ancestral halls, asylum, at ease, at home, available, bailiwick, base hospital, birthplace,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • infirmary — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, asylum, base hospital, clinic, community hospital, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, dispensary, evacuation hospital, field hospital, general hospital, home, hospital, inpatient clinic, maison de… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • nursing home — Synonyms and related words: VA hospital, almshouse, asylum, base hospital, clinic, community hospital, convalescent home, convalescent hospital, evacuation hospital, field hospital, foster home, general hospital, halfway house, home, hospice,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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