propositional formula

propositional formula
мат. пропозициональная формула

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "propositional formula" в других словарях:

  • Propositional formula — In propositional logic, a propositional formula is a type of syntactic formula which is well formed and has a truth value. If the values of all variables in a propositional formula are given, it determines a unique truth value. A propositional… …   Wikipedia

  • Propositional calculus — In mathematical logic, a propositional calculus or logic (also called sentential calculus or sentential logic) is a formal system in which formulas of a formal language may be interpreted as representing propositions. A system of inference rules… …   Wikipedia

  • Propositional variable — In mathematical logic, a propositional variable (also called a sentential variable or sentential letter) is a variable which can either be true or false. Propositional variables are the basic building blocks of propositional formulas, used in… …   Wikipedia

  • propositional calculus — Logic. See sentential calculus. [1900 05] * * * Formal system of propositions and their logical relationships. As opposed to the predicate calculus, the propositional calculus employs simple, unanalyzed propositions rather than predicates as its… …   Universalium

  • Implicational propositional calculus — In mathematical logic, the implicational propositional calculus is a version of classical (two valued) propositional calculus which uses only one connective, called implication or conditional. In formulas, this binary operation is indicated by… …   Wikipedia

  • Well-formed formula — In mathematical logic, a well formed formula (often abbreviated WFF, pronounced wiff or wuff ) is a symbol or string of symbols (a formula) that is generated by the formal grammar of a formal language. To say that a string S is a WFF with respect …   Wikipedia

  • Atomic formula — In mathematical logic, an atomic formula (also known simply as an atom) is a formula with no deeper propositional structure, that is, a formula that contains no logical connectives or equivalently a formula that has no strict subformulas. Atoms… …   Wikipedia

  • Frege's propositional calculus — In mathematical logic Frege s propositional calculus was the first axiomatization of propositional calculus. It was invented by Gottlob Frege, who also invented predicate calculus, in 1879 as part of his second order predicate calculus (although… …   Wikipedia

  • Barcan formula — In quantified modal logic, the Barcan formula and the converse Barcan formula (more accurately, schemata rather than formulae) (i) syntactically state principles or interchange between quantifiers and modalities; (ii) semantically state a… …   Wikipedia

  • Sahlqvist formula — In modal logic, Sahlqvist formulae are a certain kind of modal formula with remarkable properties. The Sahlqvist correspondence theorem states that everySahlqvist formula is canonical,and corresponds to a first order definable class of Kripke… …   Wikipedia

  • Tautology (logic) — In propositional logic, a tautology (from the Greek word ταυτολογία) is a propositional formula that is true under any possible valuation (also called a truth assignment or an interpretation) of its propositional variables. For example, the… …   Wikipedia

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