proper vertex

proper vertex
мат. истинная вершина

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "proper vertex" в других словарях:

  • Total coloring — [ Proper total coloring of Foster Cage with 6 colors. The total chromatic number of this graph is 6 sincethe degree of each vertex is 5 (5 adjacent edges + 1 vertex=6).] In graph theory, total coloring is a type of coloring on the vertices and… …   Wikipedia

  • Graph coloring — A proper vertex coloring of the Petersen graph with 3 colors, the minimum number possible. In graph theory, graph coloring is a special case of graph labeling; it is an assignment of labels traditionally called colors to elements of a graph… …   Wikipedia

  • Edge coloring — A 3 edge coloring of the Desargues graph. In graph theory, an edge coloring of a graph is an assignment of “colors” to the edges of the graph so that no two adjacent edges have the same color. For example, the figure to the right shows an edge… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of graph theory — Graph theory is a growing area in mathematical research, and has a large specialized vocabulary. Some authors use the same word with different meanings. Some authors use different words to mean the same thing. This page attempts to keep up with… …   Wikipedia

  • Chromatic polynomial — All nonisomorphic graphs on 3 vertices and their chromatic polynomials, clockwise from the top. The independent 3 set: k3. An edge and a single vertex: k2(k − 1). The 3 path: k(k − 1)2. The 3 clique …   Wikipedia

  • Defective coloring — In graph theory, a mathematical discipline, defective coloring is a variant of proper vertex coloring. In a proper vertex coloring, the vertices are coloured such that no adjacent vertices have the same colour. In defective coloring, on the other …   Wikipedia

  • Harmonious coloring — of 7 tree with 3 levels using 12 colors. The harmonius chromatic number of this graph is 12 since the vertices are 57, and the color s pair are ncolor*(ncolor 1)/2 >= 57 iff ncolor>=12. Moreover (3/2)*(7+1)=12(see Mitchem s Formula).In graph… …   Wikipedia

  • Strong coloring — [ This cubic graph is strongly 4 colorable. The 4 sized partitions are 35, but only this 7 partitions are topologically unique.] In graph theory, a strong coloring, with respect to a partition of the vertices into (disjoint) subsets of equal… …   Wikipedia

  • Exact coloring — The n coloring of Complete graph K n is an exact coloring.In graph theory, an exact coloring is a (proper) vertex coloring in which every pair of colors appears on exactly one pair of adjacent vertices. In essence, an exact coloring is a coloring …   Wikipedia

  • Acyclic coloring — In graph theory, an acyclic coloring is a (proper) vertex coloring in which every 2 chromatic subgraph is acyclic.The acyclic chromatic number A( G ) of a graph G is the least number of colors needed in any acyclic coloring of G .Some properties… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbifold — This terminology should not be blamed on me. It was obtained by a democratic process in my course of 1976 77. An orbifold is something with many folds; unfortunately, the word “manifold” already has a different definition. I tried “foldamani”,… …   Wikipedia

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