proper subring

proper subring
мат. собственное подкольцо

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "proper subring" в других словарях:

  • Subring — In mathematics, a subring is a subset of a ring, which contains the multiplicative identity and is itself a ring under the same binary operations. Naturally, those authors who do not require rings to contain a multiplicative identity do not… …   Wikipedia

  • Ring (mathematics) — This article is about algebraic structures. For geometric rings, see Annulus (mathematics). For the set theory concept, see Ring of sets. Polynomials, represented here by curves, form a ring under addition and multiplication. In mathematics, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Cayley–Hamilton theorem — In linear algebra, the Cayley–Hamilton theorem (named after the mathematicians Arthur Cayley and William Hamilton) states that every square matrix over the real or complex field satisfies its own characteristic equation.More precisely; if A is… …   Wikipedia

  • Noetherian ring — In mathematics, more specifically in the area of modern algebra known as ring theory, a Noetherian ring, named after Emmy Noether, is a ring in which every non empty set of ideals has a maximal element. Equivalently, a ring is Noetherian if it… …   Wikipedia

  • Conformal map — For other uses, see Conformal (disambiguation). A rectangular grid (top) and its image under a conformal map f (bottom). It is seen that f maps pairs of lines intersecting at 90° to pairs of curves still intersecting at 90°. In mathematics, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Quaternion — Quaternions, in mathematics, are a non commutative extension of complex numbers. They were first described by the Irish mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three dimensional space. They find uses in both… …   Wikipedia

  • Local ring — In abstract algebra, more particularly in ring theory, local rings are certain rings that are comparatively simple, and serve to describe what is called local behaviour , in the sense of functions defined on varieties or manifolds, or of… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic number field — In mathematics, an algebraic number field (or simply number field) F is a finite (and hence algebraic) field extension of the field of rational numbers Q. Thus F is a field that contains Q and has finite dimension when considered as a vector… …   Wikipedia

  • Polynomial ring — In mathematics, especially in the field of abstract algebra, a polynomial ring is a ring formed from the set of polynomials in one or more variables with coefficients in another ring. Polynomial rings have influenced much of mathematics, from the …   Wikipedia

  • Injective module — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, an injective module is a module Q that shares certain desirable properties with the Z module Q of all rational numbers. Specifically, if Q is a submodule of some… …   Wikipedia

  • Order (ring theory) — In mathematics, an order in the sense of ring theory is a subring of a ring R that satisfies the conditions R is a ring which is a finite dimensional algebra over the rational number field spans R over , so that …   Wikipedia

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