proper base

proper base
простой базис

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "proper base" в других словарях:

  • Proper Filthy Naughty — (conocidos también como PFN y bajo los nombres anteriores, Salamander y The Light) es un proyecto de música electrónica basado en Londres, Inglaterra. Sus integrantes son los productores John Ross y Joe Williams. Estilísticamente se mueven entre… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Base — (b[=a]s), a. [OE. bass, F. bas, low, fr. LL. bassus thick, fat, short, humble; cf. L. Bassus, a proper name, and W. bas shallow. Cf. {Bass} a part in music.] 1. Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs. [Archaic]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base fee — Base Base (b[=a]s), a. [OE. bass, F. bas, low, fr. LL. bassus thick, fat, short, humble; cf. L. Bassus, a proper name, and W. bas shallow. Cf. {Bass} a part in music.] 1. Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base metal — Base Base (b[=a]s), a. [OE. bass, F. bas, low, fr. LL. bassus thick, fat, short, humble; cf. L. Bassus, a proper name, and W. bas shallow. Cf. {Bass} a part in music.] 1. Of little, or less than the usual, height; of low growth; as, base shrubs.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base 36 — is a positional numeral system using 36 as the radix. The choice of 36 is convenient in that the digits can be represented using the Arabic numerals 0 9 and the Latin letters A Z. Base 36 is therefore the most compact case insensitive… …   Wikipedia

  • Base isolation — Base Isolation, also known as Seismic or Base Isolation System , is a collection of structural elements which should substantially decouple a superstructure from its substructure resting on a shaking ground thus protecting a building or non… …   Wikipedia

  • Base bleed — is a system used on some artillery shells to increase their range, typically by about 30%.Most of the drag on an artillery shell comes from the nose of the shell, as it pushes the air out of its way at supersonic speeds. Shaping the shell… …   Wikipedia

  • Proper zero signal collector current — is the collector current that is recorded when zero signal is input to a transistor. Ideally, there should be no collector current in this situation but, in practice, there is some current even when there is no output. This is because of reverse… …   Wikipedia

  • Proper morphism — In algebraic geometry, a proper morphism between schemes is an analogue of a proper map between topological spaces. Contents 1 Definition 2 Examples 3 Properties and characterizations of proper morphisms …   Wikipedia

  • Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve — Infobox Nerve Name = PAGENAME Latin = nervi digitales palmares proprii nervi mediani GraySubject = 210 GrayPage = 938 Caption = Superficial palmar nerves. Caption2 = Deep palmar nerves. Innervates = BranchFrom = common palmar digital nerves of… …   Wikipedia

  • Base pair — In molecular biology and genetics, the linking between two nitrogenous bases on opposite complementary DNA or certain types of RNA strands that are connected via hydrogen bonds is called a base pair (often abbreviated bp). In the canonical Watson …   Wikipedia

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