Propelling — Propel Pro*pel , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Propelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Propelling}.] [L. propellere, propulsum; pro forward + pellere to drive. See {Pulse} a beating.] To drive forward; to urge or press onward by force; to move, or cause to move; as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
propelling — adjective tending to or capable of propelling propellant fuel for submarines the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency universities...the seats of propulsive thought • Syn: ↑propellant, ↑propellent, ↑propulsive … Useful english dictionary
propelling pencil — ► NOUN ▪ a pencil with a thin lead that may be extended as the point is worn away … English terms dictionary
propelling pencil — noun Britain : mechanical pencil * * * propelling pencil noun A pencil with a replaceable lead held in a casing that can be turned to push the lead forward as it is worn down • • • Main Entry: ↑propel * * * propelling pencil UK [prəˌpelɪŋ… … Useful english dictionary
propelling pencil — UK [prəˌpelɪŋ ˈpens(ə)l] / US noun [countable] Word forms propelling pencil : singular propelling pencil plural propelling pencils British a pencil made of plastic or metal containing a thin stick of lead that you push out as you need it … English dictionary
Propelling nozzle — A propelling nozzle is a component of a jet engine that is found at the tail of the engine that operates to form an exhaust jet and to maximise the use of the exhaust gas s energy throughout the engine so that the maximum overall thrust is… … Wikipedia
Propelling Control Vehicle — Infobox Train background=darkgreen name = British Rail Propelling Control Vehicle imagesize=300 caption = NAA 94335 at Plymouth on 29 August 2003. This vehicle is in Rail Express Systems red/grey livery with light blue flashes.… … Wikipedia
propelling nozzle — A convergent/divergent duct in the exhaust system of a gas turbine engine, where the remaining gas energy is converted into velocity to produce thrust. In a gas turbine engine, the exit velocity of gases is subsonic at low thrust conditions only … Aviation dictionary
propelling charge — šaunamasis užtaisas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Vienam šūviui į tūtą arba į maišą supiltas parakas; jam degant, susidariusios dujos išstumia iš vamzdžio kulką (sviedinį, miną). Šaunamasis užtaisas skiriamas pagal paskirtį – kovinis,… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
propelling charge — šaunamasis užtaisas statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Į tūtą arba į maišelį (kartūzą) supiltas parakas; jam degant, susidariusios dujos išstumia iš vamzdžio kulką, sviedinį, miną. atitikmenys: angl. propelling charge… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
propelling — Synonyms and related words: active, bunt, butt, drive, driving, driving force, impelling, impulsion, in motion, mobile, motile, motivational, motive, motive power, motor, moving, propellant, propelment, propulsion, propulsive, propulsory, pulsion … Moby Thesaurus