propeller turbine

propeller turbine
гидротурбина с неподвижными лопастями, пропеллерная гидротурбина

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "propeller turbine" в других словарях:

  • propeller turbine engine — noun : turbo propeller engine …   Useful english dictionary

  • propeller turbine — noun a turboprop …   English new terms dictionary

  • turbine — /terr bin, buyn/, n. any of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as …   Universalium

  • propeller — n. 1 a person or thing that propels. 2 a revolving shaft with blades, esp. for propelling a ship or aircraft (cf. screw propeller). Phrases and idioms: propeller shaft a shaft transmitting power from an engine to a propeller or to the driven… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Propeller — einer Bristol Britannia Ein Propeller (von lat. propellere = vorwärts treiben) ist ein Antrieb durch Flügel, die um eine Welle herum angeordnet sind, und zwar im Normalfall radial (sternförmig). Bei Flugzeugen wird der Propeller gelegentlich als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Propeller [1] — Propeller, diejenigen Apparate, welche die von der Schiffsmaschine verrichtete Rotationsarbeit aufnehmen und in Schubarbeit zur Fortbewegung des Schiffes umsetzen. Ihre Wirksamkeit besteht in der Hauptsache darin, daß beim Vorwärtsgang des… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • turbine — (n.) 1838, from Fr. turbine, from L. turbinem (nom. turbo) spinning top, eddy, whirlwind, related to turba turmoil, crowd (see TURBID (Cf. turbid)). Originally applied to a wheel spinning on a vertical axis, driven by falling water. Turbo in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… …   Wikipedia

  • turbine-propeller engine — noun : an airplane propulsion system in which a turbine drives a compressor and a propeller with thrust being derived from the propeller and also from the exhaust jet of the turbine …   Useful english dictionary

  • Propeller (Hydro) Turbine —   A turbine that has a runner with attached blades similar to a propeller used to drive a ship. As water passes over the curved propeller blades, it causes rotation of the shaft …   Energy terms

  • propeller brake — A friction brake used on turboprop engines to prevent the propeller from windmilling in flight after it has been feathered and from rotating when the engine has been shut down. In a free turbine, it prevents prolonged windmilling when the… …   Aviation dictionary

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