propellent — [prə pel′ənt, prōpel′ənt] adj. [L propellens, prp.] propelling or tending to propel n. PROPELLANT … English World dictionary
propellent — propellant, propellent The noun propellant, meaning ‘a thing that propels’ (especially a rocket fuel or the agent in aerosol sprays), is the more familiar word. Propellent is an adjective meaning ‘capable of driving or pushing forward’ … Modern English usage
propellent — /preuh pel euhnt/, adj. 1. serving or tending to propel or drive forward. n. 2. a propellant. [1635 45; < L propellent (s. of propellens), prp. of propellere to drive forward. See PROPEL, ENT] * * * … Universalium
propellent — adjective Capable of propelling. and directed the abstraction of blood for its removal, after which the pains became more propellent … Wiktionary
propellent — /prəˈpɛlənt / (say pruh peluhnt) adjective 1. propelling; driving forward. –noun 2. → propellant. {Latin prōpellent , stem of present participle of prōpellere} …
propellent — I. adjective see propellant I II. noun see propellant II … New Collegiate Dictionary
propellent — pro pel·lent || prÉ™ pelÉ™nt n. explosive material used to drive ammunition rockets and other projectiles adj. pushing, thrusting, driving; moving forward, propelling forward … English contemporary dictionary
propellent — adjective capable of propelling something … English new terms dictionary
propellent — noun (C, U) 1 an explosive for firing a bullet or rocket 1 2 gas pressed into a small space in a container of liquid, which pushes out the liquid when the pressure is taken away propellant adjective … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
propellent — pro•pel•lent [[t]prəˈpɛl ənt[/t]] adj. 1) serving or tending to propel or drive forward 2) propellant • Etymology: 1635–45; < L … From formal English to slang
propellent — adj. propelling; capable of driving or pushing forward … Useful english dictionary