- propaedeutic
- ˌprəupi:ˈdju:tɪk прил. пропедевтический, вводный, вступительный Syn : introductory a пропедевтический, вводный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Propaedeutic — Pro p[ae]*deu tic, Propaedeutical Pro p[ae]*deu tic*al, a. [Gr. ? to teach beforehand; ? before + ? to bring up a child, to educate, teach, fr. ?, ?, a child.] Of, pertaining to, or conveying, preliminary instruction; introductory to any art or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
propaedeutic — index didactic, informative Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
propaedeutic — 1798 (n.); 1849 (adj.), from Gk. propaideuein “to teach beforehand,” from pro (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + paideuein “to teach” (related to the root of PEDAGOGUE (Cf. pedagogue)) … Etymology dictionary
propaedeutic — [prō΄pi do͞ot′ik, prō΄pidyo͞ot′ik] adj. [< Gr propaideuein, to teach beforehand < pro , before + paideuein, to instruct < pais (gen. paidos), child: see PEDO 1] of, or having the nature of, elementary or introductory instruction: also… … English World dictionary
propaedeutic — noun Etymology: Greek propaideuein to teach beforehand, from pro before + paideuein to teach, from paid , pais child more at pro , few Date: 1798 preparatory study or instruction • propaedeutic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
propaedeutic — /proh pi dooh tik, dyooh /, adj. Also, propaedeutical. 1. pertaining to or of the nature of preliminary instruction. 2. introductory to some art or science. n. 3. a propaedeutic subject or study. 4. propaedeutics, (used with a sing. v.) the… … Universalium
propaedeutic — adj. of or pertaining to introductory instruction; introductory n. introductory course to a science or art, course that provides art or science; preliminary lecture or lesson that precedes a more advanced instruction; propaedeutic subject … English contemporary dictionary
propaedeutic — pro•pae•deu•tic [[t]ˌproʊ pɪˈdu tɪk, ˈdyu [/t]] adj. Also, pro pae•deu′ti•cal. 1) pertaining to or of the nature of preliminary instruction 2) a propaedeutic subject or study • Etymology: 1830–40; pro II+ Gk paideutikós pertaining to teaching… … From formal English to slang
propaedeutic — /proʊpiˈdjutɪk/ (say prohpee dyoohtik) adjective Also, propaedeutical. 1. relating to or of the nature of preliminary instruction. 2. introductory to some art or science. –noun 3. a propaedeutic subject or study. 4. (plural) the preliminary body… …
propaedeutic — adj. & n. adj. serving as an introduction to higher study; introductory. n. (esp. in pl.) preliminary learning; a propaedeutic subject, study, etc. Derivatives: propaedeutical adj. Etymology: PRO (2) + Gk paideutikos of teaching, after Gk… … Useful english dictionary
Propaedeutic value of Esperanto — The propaedeutic value of Esperanto is the benefit that using Esperanto as an introduction to foreign language study has on the teaching of subsequent foreign languages. Several studies, such as that of Helmar Frank at the University of Paderborn … Wikipedia