prop against

prop against
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prop against" в других словарях:

  • prop — v. 1) (d; tr.) to prop against (prop a chair against the door) 2) (N; used with an adjective) prop the window open * * * [prɒp] (N; used with an adjective) prop the window open (d; tr.) to prop against (prop a chair against the door) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • prop — prop1 [präp] n. [ME proppe < MDu, prop, ? akin to Ger pfropfen, stopper] 1. a rigid support, as a beam, stake, or pole, placed under or against a structure or part 2. a person or thing that gives support or aid to a person, institution, etc.… …   English World dictionary

  • Prop — Prop, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Propped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Propping}.] [Akin to LG. & D. proppen to cram, stuff, thrust into, stop, G. pfropfen, Dan. proppe, Sw. proppa; of uncertain origin, cf. G. pfropfen to graft, fr. L. propago set, layer of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prop — Ⅰ. prop [1] ► NOUN 1) a pole or beam used as a temporary support. 2) a source of support or assistance. 3) (also prop forward) Rugby a forward at either end of the front row of a scrum. ► VERB (propped …   English terms dictionary

  • prop — [n] support aid, assistance, brace, buttress, column, mainstay, post, shore, stanchion, stay, strengthener, strut, truss, underpinning; concepts 440,470 prop [v] hold up or lean against bear up, bolster, brace, buoy, buttress, carry, maintain,… …   New thesaurus

  • prop — prop1 [prɔp US pra:p] v past tense and past participle propped present participle propping [T always + adverb/preposition] to support something by leaning it against something, or by putting something else under, next to, or behind it prop sth… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • prop — [[t]prɒ̱p[/t]] props, propping, propped 1) VERB If you prop an object on or against something, you support it by putting something underneath it or by resting it somewhere. [V n on/against n] He rocked back in the chair and propped his feet on… …   English dictionary

  • prop — 1 verb propped, propping (transitive always + adv/prep) to support something by leaning it against something, or by putting something else under, next to, or behind it: prop sth against/on: He propped his bike against a tree. | prop sth open:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • prop — prop1 [ prap ] noun count 1. ) something put under or against something to hold it up or in place 2. ) a piece of furniture or small object used in a play or movie: a stage prop 3. ) someone or something that helps a system, organization, or… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • prop — I UK [prɒp] / US [prɑp] verb [transitive] Word forms prop : present tense I/you/we/they prop he/she/it props present participle propping past tense propped past participle propped to hold something in position by putting something under or… …   English dictionary

  • prop up — verb support by placing against something solid or rigid (Freq. 2) shore and buttress an old building • Syn: ↑prop, ↑shore up, ↑shore • Derivationally related forms: ↑shore (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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