proof ground
Смотреть что такое "proof ground" в других словарях:
proof ground — bandymo aikštelė statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Teritorija su įrenginiais ir bandymo priemonėmis, kurioje sudarytos bandomojo objekto tariamos eksploatavimo sąlygos. atitikmenys: angl. proof ground; proving ground vok … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
proof — n [alteration of Middle English preove, from Old French preuve, from Late Latin proba, from Latin probare to prove] 1: the effect of evidence sufficient to persuade a reasonable person that a particular fact exists see also evidence 2: the… … Law dictionary
Proof theory — is a branch of mathematical logic that represents proofs as formal mathematical objects, facilitating their analysis by mathematical techniques. Proofs are typically presented as inductively defined data structures such as plain lists, boxed… … Wikipedia
ground — 1 n 1: the foundation or basis on which knowledge, belief, or conviction rests: a premise, reason, or collection of data upon which something (as a legal action or argument) relies for validity sued the city on the ground that the city...had… … Law dictionary
ground — n 1 *base, basis, foundation, groundwork Analogous words: background, backdrop 2 *reason, argument, proof Analogous words: *evidence, testimony: determinant, *cause, antecedent: demonstration, proof, trial, test (see … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ground of proof — index evidence Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
proof — 1 ground, *reason, argument Analogous words: demonstration, trial, test (see under PROVE): corroboration, confirmation, substantiation, verification (see corresponding verbs at CONFIRM) 2 demonstration, test, trial (see under PROVE) Antonyms:… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Proof (2005 film) — Infobox Film name = Proof caption = Promotional poster for Proof director = John Madden writer = David Auburn (play) Rebecca Miller (screenplay) starring = Gwyneth Paltrow Anthony Hopkins Jake Gyllenhaal Hope Davis producer = Alison Owen, Jeff… … Wikipedia
proof — Synonyms and related words: Christophany, Ditto copy, Photostat, Satanophany, Xerox, Xerox copy, absolute indication, account, acid test, acquaintance, affirmation, airtight, ammunition, angelophany, announcement, appearance, argument, assay,… … Moby Thesaurus
Proof and Experimental Establishment — Infobox Laboratory name = Proof Experimental Establishment motto = logo = established = November 7 1895 As DRDO lab in October 1958 city = Chandipur, Orissa research field = type = director = Brig. Anoop Malhotra staff = budget = operating agency … Wikipedia
proof — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. evidence, substantiation, verification, confirmation; conclusiveness; corroboration, ratification; trial, test; sample, impression. See demonstration, experiment. adj. impenetrable, impervious;… … English dictionary for students