- proof by exhaustion
- мат. доказательство путем полного перебора вариантов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Proof by exhaustion — Proof by exhaustion, also known as proof by cases, perfect induction, or the brute force method, is a method of mathematical proof in which the statement to be proved is split into a finite number of cases, and each case is proved separately. A… … Wikipedia
proof by exhaustion — noun The indirect verification or falsification of a statement by the verification or falsification of each of the finite number of cases which arise therefrom … Wiktionary
Proof by verbosity — is a term used to describe an excessively verbose mathematical proof that may or may not actually prove the result. Such proofs are most often presented by students who don t fully grasp the concepts they are writing about. Students presenting… … Wikipedia
Mathematical proof — In mathematics, a proof is a convincing demonstration (within the accepted standards of the field) that some mathematical statement is necessarily true.[1][2] Proofs are obtained from deductive reasoning, rather than from inductive or empirical… … Wikipedia
Method of exhaustion — This article is about the method of finding the area of a shape using limits. For the method of proof, see Proof by exhaustion. The method of exhaustion (methodus exhaustionibus, or méthode des anciens) is a method of finding the area of a shape… … Wikipedia
Computer-assisted proof — A computer assisted proof is a mathematical proof that has been at least partially generated by computer. Most computer aided proofs to date have been implementations of large proofs by exhaustion of a mathematical theorem. The idea is to use a… … Wikipedia
Direct proof — In mathematics and logic, a direct proof is a way of showing the truth or falsehood of a given statement by a straightforward combination of established facts, usually existing lemmas and theorems, without making any further assumptions. In order … Wikipedia
Kepler conjecture — In mathematics, the Kepler conjecture is a conjecture about sphere packing in three dimensional Euclidean space. It says that no arrangement of equally sized spheres filling space has a greater average density than that of the cubic close packing … Wikipedia
Exhaust — may refer to:In mathematics: *Proof by exhaustion, proof by examining all individual cases *Exhaustion by compact sets, in analysis, a sequence of compact sets that converges on a given set *Collectively exhaustive, in probability and set theory … Wikipedia
Experimental mathematics — For the mathematical journal of the same name, see Experimental Mathematics (journal) Experimental mathematics is an approach to mathematics in which numerical computation is used to investigate mathematical objects and identify properties and… … Wikipedia
Полный перебор — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Перебор. Полный перебор (или метод «грубой силы», англ. brute force) метод решения математических задач. Относится к классу методов поиска решения исчерпыванием всевозможных… … Википедия